Totalbowling Sport Series 2003


New Member
hi all , just wanted to remind everyone that the first tournament is on sunday FEB 16th a squad checkin at 8.45am bowl at 9 am . can the people wanting to bowl this event please book in early . contact me on 32036372 or email me at or just leave a post here.

at this stage we don't have a major sponsor for 2003 but we are trying hard if anyone knows of a sponsor please contact me. the series will run the same as last year paying out 1 in2 at each tournament and prizes for the overall winner and placegetters.

joining fee $25
cost - $75 per tournament
10 games scratch pinfall
pay out based on 30 bowlers
1 - $200
2 - 150
3 - 130
4 - 100
5 - 95
6 - 90
7 - 85
8 - 80
9 - 75
10- 75 (1in3 money back)
11- 35
12- 35
13- 35
14- 35
15- 35
$1255 total payout

the bowler of the year will run the same as last year with the winner getting 100 points ,2nd -99 ,3rd 98 down to last place.

dwambo will be running brackets if you want to make some extra cash.
hi all at this stage we have 22 confirmed starters and about 6 i will find out about on wednesday night. numbers will be down for the first event because of a clash with the atbso.good to see some new names, some juniors and some females coming along to challenge themselves on a good condition.

a squad is nearly full but there is plenty of room in b squad.anyone wanting to bowl just leave a post here or give me a call(numbers at the top of the page).
just to let everyone now we have 24 bowlers for tomorrows event, 4 spots left in b squad and 8 spots in a squad.
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