TotalBowling Chat


Staff member
Does anyone still use the TotalBowling Chat ? Please let me know as I might think about removing it if noone bothers using it any more ...

ps im not talking about the forum .. im talking about the chat (see the top menu)
i would like to use it as a regular thing, but as there is never anybody in there, i don't get much feedback from my posts, lol. if people were to use it, it would be great to chat to other bowlers
Been in there a few times over the last 12 months or so - on a mate of mine's computer - to suss it out, and it's always dead.
In the last couple of months since I bought my own computer, I've found that every time I try and log into it to see what's going on, it locks up my computer totally - and I have to reboot.

It was pretty active for a while there, but it just died out all of a sudden. :-k
I wish people would use it, 8-10 people at 1 in the morning wasn't uncommon for a while.
Just tried to log into the chat gain to check it out - once again it made my laptop completely poop itself.

I remember when I used to be in there quite often, if you couldn't access it through this site for what ever reason, you could download Mirc and still be able to use it.
Just wondering if that is still the case or not?

That seems to be the only program that crashes my puter :(
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