Too many Tournaments in Victoria?


Just a quick question regarding tournaments. Do you feel there are too many Tournaments in Victoria ? If not why aren't bowlers supporting our major tournaments? Is it too expensive or just too many of them? Do we need more handicap tournaments?
Another question regarding tournament and sponsorship. Why is it so hard to get sponsors to sponsor our local tournaments. I have seen so many sponsors sponsoring Tournaments in Queensland ( k & K Classics ) and NSW but for us in Victorian it's like we have to fork out of our pockets everytime we wanna bowl in a tournament.Too many Chiefs, not enough Indians ? Please no bitching and losers... only suggestions to help to improve our game in Victoria.
Its funny you say TOO MANY TOURNAMENTS IN VICTORIA coz if i do recall about a month or so ago people were complaining that there werent enough tournaments in Victoria. Be interesting to hear people thoughts on this.
Just checked K & K Classics Prizefund Payout of 25 k :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Kelvin mate , i know where you coming from but ask Lance and Patrick how disappointing it was to run a major tournament in Victoria for Victorian but not getting the support behind them. Why should they bother to run the circuit for us if we don't support them?
And don't forget Joe from EFL, how he tries so hard to help us all bowlers to win the spots for the major tournaments. If bowler's don't support these events why should these organisers bother organising these tournaments?
Totally agree that there are people trying to help us out and in alot of cases bowlers arent supporting these events.
I also think it comes to be about the time of the year too. This time of year certain centres have there annual tournaments, add in the Super Six events, plus state team qualifications and you could say it comes down to cost. But yes people are trying to make tournaments cheaper for all of us but we all know that you cant make everyone happy. I know this first hand.
I know if i had more cash in my pocket i would bowl anything and everything. Without the money i just cant do it and i cant rely on bowling one tournament and winning big money in that, then heading off to the next and doing the same. I so wish i could lol!
Muels1 said:
Totally agree that there are people trying to help us out and in alot of cases bowlers arent supporting these events.
I also think it comes to be about the time of the year too. This time of year certain centres have there annual tournaments, add in the Super Six events, plus state team qualifications and you could say it comes down to cost. But yes people are trying to make tournaments cheaper for all of us but we all know that you cant make everyone happy. I know this first hand.
I know if i had more cash in my pocket i would bowl anything and everything. Without the money i just cant do it and i cant rely on bowling one tournament and winning big money in that, then heading off to the next and doing the same. I so wish i could lol!
Lol Kelvin time to get a rich girl friend mate !! :mrgreen:
And i know Joe puts in a big effort too and i do sincerely apologise for not bowling in his tournament on Sunday of which my name was down for but at the time i put my name down, the MTBA Clasic date had not been released and my way of thinkin was there is only one MTBA Classic, and Joe may run another Melbourne Cup Spot.
It was killing me up til Saturday night as to which event i was gonna bowl in
If not so many events were Scratch, i'd enter alot more.
Price isnt a Huge factor, however anything over $40 would need more thaught as its quite a price for a tourny that i'd only end up at the bottom of the results table.
I'm sure that the Melbourne Cup has a major sponsor (the Australian Diamond Company) and that it has quite a good payout. but on the down side it is still not cheap to bowl in $ 325.00 I think.
It would be interesting to see if the sponsor of the Melbouren cup has received any sales from the sponsorship deal ???? Might be the key to why it is had to get sponsors
Dont make the mistake of thinking that all these "spot rolloffs" we have are tournaments, clearly they arent. What has there been recently? In the way of tournaments...only the MTBA last weekend, the Sunshine cup a few weekends back and the AO this weekend. Does Rachuig rolloff qualify as a tournament? Not to me, its a prelude/rolloff to the main tourney later in the year, just like the spots. Just my opinion anyway.
i think in the current climate there should be no more than 8 elitist tournaments a year.

when you also have to take into account, rachuig, country cup or dunn shield and also emmerson shield. then add in mildura and werribee marathons.

1 tournament a month is ample, the problem i have seem is it has gone from nothing to too much.

example the sunshine g.p and rachuig a week apart, so all of a sudden some people have to start choosing an event as 2 in 2 weeks is not an option.
at this current point in time the cost of these tournaments are way too high. if you think that there isnt enough people going to tournaments now then in 6 months time you will prolly find half as many again will not be bowling.

For most people once you take out your house payment, personal loans, allocations for bills and lets not forget fuel for your car there isnt much money left to put inot tournaments.

In my case to enter a major tournament it is over half my weekly wage, then i have to prepare my gear and pay for fuel to get to the tournament for the day or 2. It is not a cheap exercise.

But until they start getting sponsors to throw in big money, not so much to increase prize money but to lessen the entry fee because bowling is not cheap as with no disrespect intended to the best bowlers in the state with out money you cant get there

Matthew Lambrick

The K&K major sponsors are bowlers themselves, as are a very large majority of the sponsors of most of the QLD tour events. They have some great people in QLD who are willing to put in money out of thier business' to support the sport they love so much.

I dont feel that we have to many tournaments, but events yes.

The actual adult tournaments in Vic are not that many.

3 majors - AO, SPC, Melb Cup (most bowlers do not compete in these - to expensive)
5 GP events (if they continue + 1 in Hobart) approx every 2 months.
The MTBA tournaments coming through this year 2 to date l think
Mildura & Weribee Marathon's
Warnambool Cup
Weribee Cup
Sale Cup

It is all the events that make it seem like a lot.

Dunn Shield, Roll offs & final
Emerson Shield, Roll Offs, Zone Final, State Final
Country Cup, Roll off & final
Win a spot events - Melb Cup x2, AO x3
City Champs
State Champs
Country Champs
MTBA champs

I am not sure if ECCC or Rachuig would be considered a tournamnet or event, but you still have roll offs, training, national champs.

Sounds like a lot, but when you look at the actual tournamnets, we only have approx 1 per month, if you compete in the 3 majors as well.

If l have forgotten any events, dont shoot me, all from memory.

Would love to be able to get more sponsors for events, but most sponsors taht are available are already taken with the majors, or the small events do not give them enough incentive to put up cash.

As l posted in teh my thread about 2006 tournaments, if anyone runs a small business or works for a business that would like to generate some advertising then please let me know, as l am sure we can arrange some good deals for little money in the pot.

As an example naming rights to an event $500, and your name on the remaining events entry forms, possible even a winners shirt with the business name plastered all over it with contact details.

People talk about cheap tournaments. The Sunshine GP event was $60 for 5 games, plus the final if you made, but very few people turned out. (thanks to those that did)

Perhaps with teh next event at Frankston on the last Sunday in May, a few more entries maybe received. Qualifying opens on the 1st May.

I think l have rambled on way to much here.
It's good to see so many honest opinion about our game. Maybe it' time some of the bowlers with business interest in Victoria support our tournaments like in Q'land or NSW. It will also be good to hear from them why they are not supporting out major tournaments. Another thing, organisers please check the dates with each other before theres yet another clash. Don't forget the Youth Tournaments and the inhouse events/ tournaments that we have to support too. Like Matt said as long it is affordable and more H/cap tournaments for low ave bowlers. Most high ave bowlers won't support h/cap tournaments Nath coz too many sandbagger
How can we forget Joe, the "Super Diamond Guy" i know why the babes love you Joe ;) always gets great sponsors. All this feed back is good for the bowlers and organisers. Keep it coming people. Go VIC :D

There is now reason why we could not run scratch and handicap events at the same time. Maybe cut to the top 12 scratch and then take the next 12 handicap and run the finals at the same time might get a few more of the 180-190 averages bowlers to bowl in the events and I think this is where the major sum of people are sitting in regards to averages - just out of range for both handicap or scratch. I know from personal experience when I was out this average not many events are aimed at this market of bowlers
Just have a look at the tourney callender its pretty full and a lot of overlap too , the events that seem to run best are the ones that are run yearly . I bowl at Werribee and a lot of the inhouse tourney's dont get the numbers that they probably should , i spent a year on the WTC (Werribee Tournament Commitee ) and it was extremly hard to get the numbers for a fair payout. Handicap bowlers seem even harder to get from out of the woodwork , why ?
Things like the Werribee Cup and our Marathon dont have a problem getting numbers each year a i feel its because people know when they are and they plan well ahead to be ready for them $$$ , these kind of events are developing a stable spot on the yearly callender . Too many tournaments in Victoria ? I dont think so , maybe not the kind of people want.
Sponsors are hard to come by , what are they going to get for their money ? EXPOSURE (how)
1 . Name the event after them.
2 . Give them signage in the centre

Companies dont very often just hand out cash because it makes them feel warm and fuzzy , they want someting in return , what can our events and sport offer them ?

Backup King said:
There is now reason why we could not run scratch and handicap events at the same time. Maybe cut to the top 12 scratch and then take the next 12 handicap and run the finals at the same time might get a few more of the 180-190 averages bowlers to bowl in the events and I think this is where the major sum of people are sitting in regards to averages - just out of range for both handicap or scratch. I know from personal experience when I was out this average not many events are aimed at this market of bowlers
Rodney mate,i can't agree more. This will bring in more bowlers to compete both the scratch and the handicap. We can always have a max ceiling handicap to stop "sandbaggers". Let's say if the "sandbagger" wins the tournament twice in a row give him / her the previous tournaments average.
I am more interested to hear from the sponsors. Like what Lance and Christian said regarding sponsors wanting something back for their cash. I think $500 for advertising a tournament is cheap !! Common Sponsors in Victoria...please support our game !! Plus am sure it is tax deductable too.
They can always have signs displayed while the tournament is on and maybe shirts for the winners. I wonder what is AMF and the rest of the centres policy regarding displaying banners and signage during a tourney. Maybe this is what organisers need to look at. Maybe it's time centres do abit more for bowlers in getting sponsors rather than just asking us the bowlers forking out everytime we bowl :rolleyes: I have seen huge signs and banners in Asia while they run big tournaments.
Like in our league we have Masters Tournaments where the sponsor donates cash and a huge trophy and the tournament is named after them.
Let's hear from a sponsor..surely theres one in Victoria :cool: :cool:
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