Tonx 300 at Keon Park

Ninja299 said:
was he using the immortal??????

no he wasn't, he was using a brunswick international series ball from the look of it, had a late 7 pin fall first in the 10th but we're all clean shots, well done HACK!!!
Wow...we are equal now! :eek:
Ten says there was a possum around hahaha ;)
Congrats Tonx, keep up the good work!!

Great stuff Tonx, you are in some kind of form keep it up mate. Must be all the practice hey.
good job Tonx, well done. Thought Max would have told me sooner!!
Pity it wasn't with a Visionary ball....
Our time will come (",)
Keep 'em comin' mate
Well done're a Bloody Champion. You have to bowl it when am not there ehhh :rolleyes: Anyway great work mate, all that "wild sex" with Bec is finally kicking in ;) Ohhh so young and so many records to break. When i grow up i wanna bowl like you Tonx :p Keep up the good work mate :D
Sorry Tonx, no matter what you do, you will always be a hack in my eyes.....


Thanks for the congrats guys!

Hyperzone S, which is an original inferno remake :D
What another one!!!!
Congrats Tonx on your 300 seems like there is more in you yet.
Nat and Graeme
Teapy said:
Well done Tonx, next time do it against Alex. That way theres no way he'll miss it!!!
Yeah Just Do it !! Hope Nike people watching this. This time hopefully at Forest Hill Lanes ;) And am glad he is in my team :p
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