To bowl an 'Impossible'



I'm just wondering if anyone has bowled a strike WITHOUT hitting the headpin. I read it was virtually impossible, but a few weeks ago I did exactly that. I rammed it roughly between the 2nd and 4th pin (actually fairly close to the 1 pin), and miraculously knocked down all the pins. I give it the term the 'Impossible.'

Actually, I was so close to managing the feat twice. One time I think I left the 1 pin standing, and there were a lot of pins left on the lane. One pin, already lying flat on its side began rolling and oh-so-nearly knocked down the headpin, making it wobble precariously but unfortunately not taking it down. I spose if go with a huge power hook than its not that hard, but its still a very difficult shot.
what i meant was it hit fairly close to the 7 pin, not the 1 pin.

Lets see here, at my house, Warminster Thunderbird, here in Pennsylvania, we all know that "back-door" strikes are luck. This is true, its only, if your a right-hander, when you clear flush the 3 pin, and usually leave the 1-2-4. Well, in some cases, the 3 pin flushes back to hit the 9 pin SO HARD, that it bounces off the back, hits the 8-pin and forces it into the 1-2-4 and thus creating a "back-door" strike., HAHA, only wanted to be technical cause Krys hates it :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:p:p:p:p Well, still in school, gonna jet, almost time to leave, take care all. peace.
Yeah ive got a couple, it usually happens on cross overs when the 4-2-1 fall over like domino's.
I remember hitting the 7 pin and and it came back on the deck and everything just kind of fell onto each other and struck:)

Yesterday a young chap on lanes 1 and 2 bowled a 1 taking out the ONE (1) pin and only the ONE pin.

He bowled VERY VERY slowly.

bowling vids

Getting the headpin alone wouldn't be that hard. A very slow ball with a deep could do the trick. Of course, you'd have the hit the 1 pin pretty lightly. I was just wondering if there are any bowling videos out there which are just highlights of the best 'plays' in bowling, for example difficult spares (7-10 etc), perfect games. If you know of any I would be interested. Since, as you know in Australia bowling is that big and is generally not broadcast on TV.
Not that hard???? your joking arent u? not only does the headpin have top fall over, but not hit the 2,3 or 5 pins, this kid bowled it SOOOOO SLOW and hit the head pin just right. To compare the speed nessacary, ud have to imagine how long it takes the machine to come down and the ball still hadnt hit another pin. Ill bet 1 Grand that i never it again in my life...
But hey, thats my opinion....
Ohh but back to the actual topic... A dont understand how theys ay Virtually impossible... all though it aint the most common of things it does happen... just gotta GET LUCKY!!!!

Later Da Cowman!
Not that impossible. For right handers, just hit the 3-pin really hard and some hook coming into it and with a bit of luck, a pin will come off the back and trip the 1-2-4. I would have done it about 10 times.
I thaught leaving the 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 would be the impossible leave, what do you think would be IMPOSSIBlE, atm i can think of:

7-8-9-10 actually no Brad Smith left that once


i cant think of any, heheeh

plz help me
Once I saw a guy leave the 1-7-10. That was a weird leave :shock: . He came really close to sparing it too!
Actually, no Brad Smith left the 7-9-10
little kids with 6 pound house balls leave the 7-8-9-10.
The only leave i can think of that is literally IMPOSSIBLE is the
is it possible to only take the 5 pins out of a full deck?? I think not

Later Da Cowman!
To add to Da_Cowman's post - it would also be impossible to leave the - 1,2,3,4,6,7,10; (back triangle) or to just take out the 8 or 9 pin from a full deck.
However, i have seen a person knock over the 2, 5, 9 pins from a full deck, the ball rebounded of the curtain and hit the 9 pin, and as we all should know this leave would be illegal as the ball has rebounded of the curtain and also landed in the gutter before rebounding therefore making it a dead ball and a miss in a sanctioned league, but it was social play so the score was obviously counted. :lol:
it would also be impossible to leave the - 1,2,3,4,6,7,10; (back triangle) or to just take out the 8 or 9 pin from a full deck.

i did actually spare the 1-2-3-4-6-7-10 once... but that was only because the pinsetter dropped it down and forgot to place the 5-8-9 down for the first shot.

and on another note, i have spared the 5-8-9 too.... cannot remember how i left it however :D :D :D
Stray pin

Although not very exciting or spectacular, something a little interesting happened yesterday when I was bowling. I knocked down most of the pins in my first ball, but the ball sent one of the pins (i forget which one) rolling down the lane away from the pins towards me. It rolled about 2-3 feet and of course it was annoying having to get a full set of pins again.

Theoretically it is not impossible to take out the 5-pin by itself, but it would take truly freakish circumstances. Perhaps light hitting the headpin so it falls on the 3-6-10, knocking down the back row and somehow taking care of 7-4-2. I don't think its ever been done before, but is probably HUMANELY impossible.
i was training one day at Chester Hill bowl in Sydney and left the 7, 8, 10 and spared.. was pretty please with myself :)
i have seen this once and once only, a friend of mine dale plummer did this at melton one day

taken a 7-10 out of a full deck

the other impossible thing i managed to do was spare the 7-10 with the ball, i slammed the 7pin, the ball bounced back onto the pindeck into the sweep and proceeded to carry the 10 pin

i know its illegal, but all the same very amusing at the time
now i remember how i left the 5-8-9.

i threw it out a bit wide and hit the 2 pin lightly, completely missing the head pin. then they all just fell around each other
lol this reminds me of a not very funny story...

a few weeks ago we were havin a practice and one of my mates (who will remain name one wanna cup of coffie? HINT HINT) ne way he left the 1-3-6 and on his spare shot just took the way he comes back and says something like "i am the only one that can do that" so then on my next shot i stood up there and left the 1-2-4-6-10 much for it just being u mate!! :lol: :roll: :wink: :twisted:

2 frames later i did it again!!! spared them both
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