Never let it be said I can't please the crowd
Luke, currently 3-Nil to me and taking an unassailable lead in the contest

I therefore predicted you will leave one before June this year :wink:
The Wednesday night 5-7-10 was caused by an off spot rack (the 5-pin was more like a 2½ pin) but the ball wasn't that bad really.........honestly

It hooked back to the pocket and went splat.......sad thing was I about to run it out too.......Geeez I'm glad I didn't now

Thursday night.........hmmmmm what a great night that was ay, I found every conceivable way of cocking up decent games there.
The trouble was that the lanes were so DRY that I was purposely throwing a "no-hander" - even fudgey by my standards - shot to hit the pocket.
Whenever I hit the shot it went straight through the beak and got six.
I started with two beautiful flush strikes, then a rip-rack 7-pin, then a another five-bagger, then CRACK......right into the ankle and into the moat :x I was so annoyed at totally buggering up another good game I just threw it at the pocket.....the ball floated like a plastic shopping bag in the wind........SPLAT

I had that many strikes and still only shot 200-202-200 AAAAAARGHHHH :evil:
Still, the laughs the whole centre got that night was worth it :wink: