The really good girls must not have bowled yet.

I aint seen nuthin' yet!

well i think you may have to get your eyes checked there man!!!!!!

the girls are only bowling 3 game blocks, and by the looks of the scores in BOTH the guys and girls division, its seems like its a testing condition that has been put out for national this year.

wait till shield starts tomorrow, and then you will definitely see the prime of australia's female bowlers.

and, upyours, it seems like you have way too much time on your hands!!!!

I dont think thats an accurate gauge of just who is bowling what Luke D. For years there has always been conjecture about the conditions used during shield (some people really have alot to say). It's just my opinion that you should have a look back over the 2 weeks or so of bowling, not focus on the showcase event.
The oil pattern at the junior nats is F.I.Q, which means a lot of units of oil and they are manually checking the volume of oil after each placement of oil.
This can only be a good preparation for what to expect on the world stage.
The previous bit of information is for those who care about bowling.
Now to you upyours
The web site is a 2 days behind due the volume of work but when it is updated you will see that a lot of guys and gals have adjusted and are bowling very well.
Upyours i don’t know who you are but I would like to se YOU bowl on this condition.


Ok Upyours,
Apparently you just cant get enough of makin fun of the women of bowling in Australia. Not being from Australia, but moving there soon, from what ive seen ,they have a really good program there, prolly the best to compete against ours in the USA. Why cant you just stop this? You have to create a WHOLE NEW post on a sexist topic. Leave them alone, i would have my bets on 9 outta 10 of the top gurls in Australia, let alone even better or worse ones, could whoop you in bowling. Just stop this stuff already, i dont know if i can speak for everyone, but im sick of you and your sexist topics. Good day.
You must have to be the biggest A@@@@@E I have ever seen!!!
I hope to God the Junior Girls do not have to read this absolute crap which would be totally demoralising them. Offer some encouragment why don't you!!! You have no compassion and you mustn't have any kids, and if you do I'm sure they don't brag about it. From one human to hopefully another leave the junior girls alone and maybe try to offer some words of wisdom.
OMG .... if there bowling bad why dun you help them.. you sya all this stuff but why dun u get off your booty go down there and help them !!!!

whats the site to see what everyone is bowling down in melbourne???

GO SQ !!!

How stupid are you guys? Nowhere did I compare the girls to the guys, so how can I have said anything sexist. This discussion is about the girls..plain and simple. I say we haven't got more than a couple of good junior girl bowlers and everybody's on my case..saying crap like I can't bowl my way out of a paper bag and I don't know talent when I see it..HAHAHAHA..

What I have seen thus far (with only a couple of exceptions) is a bunch of teenage girls who wouldn't recognise a good shot if one jumped up and bit them in the arse.

I guess the real blame here should go the the individual pro-shop operators. For being so greedy that they would rather sell these girls $1,000 worth of equipment than instruct them on the use of such high tech gear.

And to everyone who thinks that I wouldn't be able to compete with our best junior girls..I am considering accepting your challenge.
Let's hear from the girls themselves..Do YOU have what it takes to put your inflated ego on the line in a three game match?
Some people have serious problems, if there are only a couple of good junior girl bowlers around then you are the one with the serious problems..

Don't quote me on this, but i seem to remember at the first South Queensland roll off, one of the selectors commenting the highest girl qualifier at that time on her performance as she had bowled alot higher then most of the boys, but as i said don't quote me on this.

You really need to look at the old saying ..

"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"

Give us girls a chance and help us along, if you see us having problems with our high tech gear, or the lane conditions or what not, don't post silly little anonymous comments on a forum about us not having any talent, help us out, give us some support.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: GOOOOO SOUTH QUEENSLAND !! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
from all the gurls that bowled in jnr shield can u please tell me how many are ageing out this year from every state ??????

No, buti have what it takes to put my "inflatable ego" on the line, you want a match, ill take you up.
rocky_mandii said:
Don't quote me on this, but i seem to remember at the first South Queensland roll off, one of the selectors commenting the highest girl qualifier at that time on her performance as she had bowled alot higher then most of the boys, but as i said don't quote me on this.

we had the exact same thing for this years WA shield trials... the highest qualifier in the girls, would have been highest qualifier in the boys too!!!

and upyours, its quite obvious that you've only signed up on here as a sh*tstirrer and nothing else!!!
like they say "Everyone Is Entitled To Their Own Dumba$$ed Opinions"........ and that means i'm entitled to mine as well.... PUT YOUR NAME TO YOUR POST.... otherwise we will all know your just another gutless wonder to throw on the fire...

thats my little bob's worth :evil: :twisted: :evil:
well i have set bak and watched wat up yours has been typing again and he simply cant get enuf can he???

for starters most of these junior girls would b up for the challenge except MOST OF THEM R AWAY FROM THE COMPS WITH A LIFE TRYING TO BOWL THEIR BRAIN OUT so they cant set up times etc to bowl u which u r just sitting bak saying u r better then them all i dont see u getting up there and giving it ur best

go everyone at nats u have all been bowling pretty good considering the conditions keep it up!!!!

Funny that this kid is just posting on here like this. He posts one controversial statement and gets the whole forum going. I think he needs to be expelled for critiscizing when he doesnt even state his name. If he was such a "bowler" the way he speaks, he would stop whining and help people, i think he is jsut insecure of his own game.
Re: Upyours

USABowlerPennsylvania said:
Funny that this kid is just posting on here like this. He posts one controversial statement and gets the whole forum going. I think he needs to be expelled for critiscizing when he doesnt even state his name. If he was such a "bowler" the way he speaks, he would stop whining and help people, i think he is jsut insecure of his own game.

very very true Dan.

plus isn't such attacks on innocent bowlers without them having any chance classed as bringing the game into disrepute (or something like that) as it is a big breach of the TBA Code Of Ethics :D

Statement 2(iii):
Refrain from comments on electronic mediums that do not enhance the company or the sport

i'm sure that some of us can be guilty of this, but others just don't know when to quit, which seems to be the case here :)

also there is Statement 5 & 6 in the ethics code which is about "refrain from physical, verbal, and emotional abuse towards officials, bowlers etc." & "refrain from harassment of a racial or sexist kind.

well i'm on little sleep here and just thought i'd have one last say on this topic. and thats it!!!! :twisted:
YEs YEs Yes

Luke, correctomundo! Upyours, tell us your name! Or are you going to hide??? Were not here to full around, if you have "sexist" comments to make, why not make it even and dis the boys too man. Thats what were here for, but seeming your responses are so critical and haven othing in the way of constructive critiscizm, i must say, as a bowler myself, i want you off this forum.
BOYS BOYS BOYS...In the future, when accusing me of making sexist comments or bagging individual bowlers, ....PLEASE REPLY WITH QUOTES because if you guys and girls paid attention in school, you'd be able to actually comprehend what you've read.

I HAVE NEVER MENTIONED ANY NAMES of those I criticised. Nor have I compared the girls ability to the boys..

upyours said:
BOYS BOYS BOYS...In the future, when accusing me of making sexist comments or bagging individual bowlers, ....PLEASE REPLY WITH QUOTES because if you guys and girls paid attention in school, you'd be able to actually comprehend what you've read.

maybe you should heed your own words man, we never mentioned you bagging individual bowlers, you justed bagged the female juniors as a whole...

plus isn't such attacks on innocent bowlers without them having any chance classed as bringing the game into disrepute (or something like that) as it is a big breach of the TBA Code Of Ethics

read carefully my friend, Such attacks on innocent bowlers

BOWLERS!! i.e. more than ONE!!! hahahaha

and this is still harassment because you have bagged the female bowlers solely....
and guess what?!?!?! if you take a cowardly shot at bowlers on here, then your gonna get a fight put up to you.

now how many of these female juniors have you spoken to (with regards to there bowling ability) IN PERSON?!?!?!
the answer.... A BIG FAT 0... none at all!!!!!

finally, one last question, (which i know i'm not gonna get an answer to) IS IT THAT HARD TO PUT YOUR NAME TO YOUR POST??!?!?!? then it would show you do have a little bit of the balls!!!!

(i can put my name to my post... NOW YOU GO!!!!) hahahaahaha

Either which way its still a sexist remark, and thats pretty bad dude. Like the rest of these fine people have said in this, many of tiems to you before, geta life and start helpign instead of critiscizing. Like Luke said, "Everyone is entitled to their own dumba$$ed opiinons", and from now on, speakign for me i think you should keep them to yourself if their going to start sumthign along these lines. That is all.
hrmmm its a pretty big statement upyours made. " where is the future for our female bowlers?".... you prolly think we arnt bowling that well because the guys are doin better BUT most of the guys are in there late teens and the gurls are in there earlier teens... us gurls usual make or mark in bowling later in life.. like sum one sed cara honey church wasnt that great untill she was outta jrns now shes like the best in the country if not very close.... us gurls arnt completely hopeless mate!!!
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