Tasmania 2009 Holt champs
well what can i say about the new walter de veer tournament that alex popov came up with and said was going to be a huge success. well it was an absolute joke on tba's behalf as they only had 5 teams and they tryed to con another 2 teams to bowl and they said no but the teams that were in it did not follow the rules as it was ment to have 2 divisions mens and ladies well the team that finished 2nd was mixed and it had to be that all bowlers in the team were from the same centre or association. i mean come on alex if you had of listened to the bowlers instead of getting the tba board together for your little pow wow then the tournament would have stayed as it was and it would not have been a FARSE and a FLOP as it has turned out to be and tba would not be losing money from these nationals because with everyone involved with the teams there would have been at least another 5000 to 6000 games bowled in the first week of the nationals and there are a few rumours going around that the tba have been talking about getting the atbso and the newly formed darrell holt tournament to bowl at the nationals now i am not sure how true these rumours are but if alex popov would like to tell the bowlers what is going on then i think that it would be good for the bowling members to know instead of being kept in the dark.