The "Maroon" Rachuig Team



it doesnt matter where the hell anyone lives, where they bowl or how they got to nominate in the first place............
at the end of the day the successful bowlers will don the maroon shirt........

with all that crap behind us, lets sit back and congratulate the guys and girls who put the runs on the board and are in "our" state team.........

updates and the end of each days play please!!!
with only 2 games left to decide who was to wear the moroon shirt for 2002, it was all happening........
i arrived just in time to see it all unfold............

the girls team was just about sealed with only kimberly barry a threat to knock out kirsty wasnt to be, kisrty threw a big one and kimberly dint, now with 80+ pins up her sleave and only 1 game to go, kirsty was home,, with only a huge choke or an earth quake on lane 5 changing the probable result.
cathy was solid and top qualified while kellie hart, looking like she'd gone 10 rounds with joe bugner was a comfortable 2nd.
rebecca and sammy came thru and new arrivals tracey crisp and lisa que earnt their shirts also.

the mens was a totally different story...

after a disastrous first day, george obviously didnt tend the baby during the night and got his beauty sleep to come out and plow up the lanes for a massive 1000+ for the first 4.....
jason walsh and morty looking comfortable close behind,
all the action was from 4th to 11th place,
you could throw a hanky over 4th (jon king)5th (al howard), and 6th (andy christopher)with only 2 pins between them.....
just 16 pins behind in 7th damian mcandrew(damo) and 8th tony hamilton (hamo) where even.......(wheres grouch, chico and harpo when you need them????), dave turnage was a further 20something behind them, phil ramsay, robby muller and darryl alford where close and still in contention.
the scene was now set going into the last round........

jason and george where only worried about who deserverd top spot, and jase was never going to allow a lefty to be there and so threw a 25? to earn No 1 spot, morty plugged away to grab 3rd position.
hamo looked in control until the 9th and left a 4,7,10 split........ you could here the crickets!!!
dave changed line in the fifth frame and looking like he'd been dragged threw the bottom of the ocean, still managed to nail the last 8 big ones for a great 234.......damo finished with a 195......was it enuff???
hamo hit a soft pocket in the 10th........puuuhhhh...........8-10 split........190 hamo........he was out.
it came down to al and andy only needing to close the 10th spared while andy struck and was enuff.

only seven can make it, but a lot more deserved to be there........hamo did all the hard work ealier with a 500/2 and damo coming off a great first day will be cursing that 150 earlier.......
we have a fantastic team both in the mens and ladies.......the mens the best for some time ........

take em on qld, bowlas a "TEAM" and bring home the bacon........

thats how i saw it............
gees trev

weenie's really stoked about that comment, she now has a new trick for your fire crackers.
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