And that right there is the problem. Too many people think like this. Pro shops SHOULD be charging double to drill a ball bought elsewhere, they should be charging decent prices for all the other stuff as well.
You say they "want to charge a fortune" up top, then you complain that they don't have the time to watch you bowl and find the pap and aren't available all the time. You can't have it both ways! If you want the knowledgable guys to stay running thier shops then you need to pay them the value of their time and services.
People save money by getting a ball from overseas then expect the pro shop to drill it for the same price as one sold in store, effectivley asking the guy to give you half his profit, then wonder why he's had to sell up and get a job stocking shelves at Coles.
I do not mean any disrespect, even more so if you own a pro shop. I do not know your exact pro shop. I am just speaking from my experience.
But I think on this you are either wrong or misunderstood what I was saying. Here is a more detailed example. Lets say you want to buy a new top of the line ball at the moment. Say a Virtual Gravity Nano or Vivid… but any high performance ball when they just came out. They best out there. At some pro shops you can buy them for say $230 $240 range. With the AUD dollar the way it is at the moment that is quite fair. I could even get this online from these same pro shops in some instances. If I want it delivered I pay the postage.
Now if I really wanted to I could get this even cheaper from over in America from a bowling site. Say in the $190 range or cheaper if I buy a few balls and save on postage. I would say most of the time people will go stuff it and buy the ball from the Aussie Pro shop for $230 for a variety of reasons including I want it now and don’t want to have to wait to get it from America. I would get this ball drilled by a great ball driller for say $70- 80 inclusive of thumb slug and lifters.
There pro shops will survive cause they do what we all want from a pro shop.
Then you get what I call the AMF pro shops. But they do not have to be in an AMF centre.
For that same High performance ball you will see them in the window for $350+ most things are say 30% or more higher than the good pro shops I mentioned above. And 50% or more above online/America. You go into this pro shop and want a ball drilled that you did not buy there. They charge $80 cause you did not buy the ball there, then the normal drilling fee say $45, then $10 for thumb slug or more and say $5 a lifter…. Oh come on you are just not competitive on price so why go there?
How cost effective do you think the expensive driller pro shop is when you get a ball given to you or you want it redrilled in a new position or you purchased a second hand ball? Why pay double or triple the amount to get a ball drilled than I paid for the ball?
Once again no disrespect, I am sure you are a great guy.
I could understand the extra price for time if I had no idea what I was doing and thus you had to watch me bowl, measure me up etc etc, lots of time and effort. But most experienced bowlers will tell the driller how they want it drilled, all the measurements, pap everything. They just want to do something quick and easy with minimum fuss but not have to be charged a fortune. If they charged a cheaper rate for this than I would agree but most of the time its one size fits all....
Btw I am not here for a fight or a mud slinging match.... I am just trying to give a point