
Bowling Is My Addiction
Just For Fun League
Starts Sunday 16th August - 6pm
Windsor Tenpin Bowl
$15 p/w for 3 games
100% of 200 Handicap
If anybody is interested, or wants more information, please leave me a message on here or you can just e-mail me at and i will get back to you, spots are filling fast!
Just For Fun League
Starts Sunday 16th August - 6pm
Windsor Tenpin Bowl
$15 p/w for 3 games
100% of 200 Handicap
If anybody is interested, or wants more information, please leave me a message on here or you can just e-mail me at and i will get back to you, spots are filling fast!

There is also a new, even CHEAPER league on Sunday nights at Bowlarama Liverpool. Started Sunday just past, so still a great time to join. Only $12 per week for 3 games. Teams of 3 (or 2 and a vacant score). You have the option to pay an additional $8 per week and get a new Simpsons bowling ball of your choice at leagues end (approx 20 weeks) - this is OPTIONAL.

Call 9601 4126 for more detail or just come on in Sunday night, 6:30pm. 1st week is free.

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