The Best Tourney, Championship, etc.

Rowey the li'l lefty

Your daily dose of random
Just wondering what everyone's fave tourneys or comps or whatever are. I LOVE bowlin' in Nats coz it's so cool. I like any tourney, really, but my fave is Nats.
I know Ive only bowled it once, but Presidents Shield has got to be THE BEST thing Ive ever bowled in my life!! I was so excited and am already dying to bowl next year as well.
Folloing closely would be Challenge Shield at NSW State. I really enjoyed it the past 2 years, but I think that next year will be better...Oh...heres another...Open Masters at NSW State, it felt so good to be bowling that...
And just for fun...Orange Junior Cup. I loved it last year, and I reckon this year will be just as fun!! :p
i love bowlin intercenter cup at nats
i have bowled the last 4 years n its so much fun gettin to know the other teams n cheering ur team on
Orange Junior Cup is always great fun.

Call me crazy, but I think I enjoyed Challenge Shield at State more than Presidents Shield.
Brett u are not crazy .... sometimes lol

i enjoyed challenge shield so much it has to be my favourite event.
the best one in qld would have to be rockhampton! each team spends about $5000 to get up there and everyone bowls absolute rubbish! :D its fantastic. apart from some people of course.
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