the best lanes in SQ


Mad Chick!
hey everyone, im michelle and i bowl at mt warren lanes. I just wanna know what people think of mt warren, coz i think they are the BEST....MT WARREN< YOU ROCK :D
There OK but i think that Mt Gravatt r the best lanes around :!:

Does any 1 agree wit me?
nah i have to say, mt warren are pretty good i think there awesome! Mt Gravatt are alright i guess, nothing overly special. caboolture are sweet lanes, high scoring (OVIOUSLY)!
Aspley are on par with mt warren!!!!

Why wouldn't you want to bowl at Caboolture????

1: Kegel technology ensuring quality lane patterns for both leagues and tournament.
2: A proprietor, who is also a bowler, who really does give a damn about league and social bowlers alike.
3: Great service from counter and cafe staff
4: Best game rates in town!
5: Cash incentives for high league games

Tell me in what other bowling centre could you see 18 lanes of people bowling practice shots with pins, often for up to an hour, after league finishes FOR NO CHARGE?????? :roll:

No contest, Caboolture wins hands down!!! [-o<

Broni 8)
broni how much does caboulture charge to practise, if your a league bowler, at logan city if u bowl league u get $ 2.50 games

bm2 said:
Tell me in what other bowling centre could you see 18 lanes of people bowling practice shots with pins, often for up to an hour, after league finishes FOR NO CHARGE?????? :roll:

Thats awesome, but doesnt surprise me it being Caboolture. Ive heard Batesy supports his bowlers well, and charges fantastic rates for practice.
The last time i bowled at Mt Warren I found the approch had NO slide and the pins were broken the was a long time ago and I have not been back then

Even thou logan city has $2.50 practice game how many players goes and practice
I bowl at logan and if there put more oil on the lanes I would go and practice more
we often stay after my league and practice free of charge......i'd have to say that ive only bowled at caboolture once, and i bowled pretty good there, but i still love my home bowling centre. Its one of the nicest bowling centres so its pretty kewlz....... but caboolture and mt warren are both managed by don lindsay so they are pretty good. Rock On Bowlers!!!! :)
I might have to go on a bowling crawl on week end to see what all the centers are like
I use to when I was a jr bowl in all the tournamants but now thinks have change lol
hey all,

you can all say ur cabooltures and mt warrens, but i would have to say that rockhampton is the best place i have bowled in. it is cheap, but the lanes are the toughest i have had to bowl on. i always know when i bowl in rocky that i will have to work hard just to get my average (195) because it is so had to get a double there.

aspley is pretty good too though, coz thats where i won my first tourny away from toowoomba

Nice post Phaggy. Everyone rubbishes Rocky so its good to hear of someone who accepts the condition and works to meet it. Lets face it Rocky is an icon in Oz bowling - maybe for not the same reasons as say Caboolture but its reputation alone attracts a lot of people who enjoy a challenge.
Sorry Andrew but really you can't be serious about Rocky. Thats why there was an outstanding respose to the SQ state champs, especially by their own state team( except for Ian and Kirsty) .
I've bowl in plenty of centers in QLD and really for me its not about the conditions , its about the way your treated as a customer. Rocky goes to the bottom of my list after being told by owners that the rest of qld centers have been oiling incorrectly and that the way they were doing it was correct. Personally i've never seen lanes dragged like that in my 16yrs of bowling.

No I'm very serious. Rocky is tough, it has a reputation for being the driest house in Australia and it is known for exactly that.
All sports have their high end and their low end and that is how it should be. Besides Rocky has one thing that eludes most of the others - you know what to expect, it's not going to get any drier.
Take your best plastic and plenty of it.
As for the State team not putting in a big showing I think a lot of that is due to the mounting costs of bowling Rachuig. Around $1500 to bowl this year and the State champs adds considerably to that expense, so you can't blame them for seeking exemptions.
Personally I hope they don't change Rocky, I'm sure there would be a lot more respect for a Rocky 300 than a ditched up 300 from a house that churns them out on a weekly basis.
that is true. it would be a greater feat to bowl a 300 at rocky then an easier centre. but as far as staff of the centres, little centres come before the big guys! Mt warren is where i've bowled for the whole 13 years i've bowled and it is only a 12 lane centre. the staff are the nicest people and its great to associate with them. the lanes are great but the staff are greater..... but thats my opinion and everyone has there own! thanks everyone who replied.
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