TBAQ Website



Most Queensland bowlers are already aware of the Tenpin Bowling Association of Queensland (TBAQ) website at http://www.powerup.com.au/~tbaq/. It's full of useful information and Gail, Jason, Kelly and John are constantly looking for ways to improve the service and make it even more relevant to the needs of its users. If you have any bright ideas, why not give TBAQ a ring on (07) 3876 5400 or send them an e-mail at tbaq@powerup.com.au
Hey I didn't know about the web site I think it is pretty boring and nothing really interesting at all to look at. I think they could do heaps better. I reckon I could make a website and all for these guys as I have the time to do it but, i'm not as interested when i'm not bowling as much if i was in the full sing of everything once again I would make the time to do a site! I like bowling so much but the cost is too much for me :-(
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