TBA National Seniors Team Challenge

For and on behalf of the Queensland and Queensland Invitational Senior Challenge team members, I would like to heartily congratulate TBA on the success of this years event at Tuggeranong.

Your willingness to take on board suggestions and ideas from the participants of the 2007 event has only served to enhance this year's tournament. The competition was tough, but the comaraderie and sportsmanship between the competitors was genuine, and exemplary! The scheduling of the event is ideal, with bowlers being able to partake in nationals, seniors cup and the challenge with only a minimal disruption to their working lives.

I would also like to thank Gillian Thompson-Rogers for attending the presentation dinner on Friday night, and for sharing a part of herself with us, the stakeholders of TBA. Being able to put a face to a name and hearing what she had to say left us a little more confident that our sport will head in the right direction.

Thanks also to John, Denise and Ian in the tournament room, and also to Mike Seymour and his band of ACTTBA members who provided lane marshalling and score changes and the like - great job guys!!

Chris Bateup and the front counter crew, the mechanics at the back, and also Vikki, Ruth and the cafe crew - pats on the backs all round, your efforts were appreciated greatly by the Seniors during the week that we inhabited Tuggeranong.

The biggest thanks of all has to go the senior bowlers of Australia and New Zealand who participated in the event this year - congratulations and well done to each and every one of you! As a collective group you all showed that age is no barrier to good competition, and age really is just a number when it comes to bowling (though I have it on good authority that there are more than just a couple of you who have rediscovered parts of your bodies you thought couldn't ache any more than they did before the week started!!)

We look forward to the announcement of the venue for the 2009 competition, and I for one implore ALL senior bowlers out there to give rolling off for their state in this event a serious thought. Hound your State Associations for information, and if you can't get any, contact TBA directly! At this time of our lives the politics shouldn't matter -it's not about who "runs" the event, rather it should be about the BOWLING! This event is not out there to be in direct competition with any other event - Seniors Challenge is simply another event that caters for the older bowlers, and who's format leaves nobody sitting on a bench fuming because "they didn't get enough games".........

Broni Morgan
(very proud) Qld Seniors Co-Ordinator


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Hi Bronni, ditto your comments above, probably the best tournament I have participated in.
And once again your support and organisation was greatly appreciated by everyone. YOU ROCK!!!

Kevin & Mary Blackmore
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