Ok ppls, Graham advised me 2day that the Grand Prix Circuit is all good! We have secured $500 sponsorship from AMF Southern Region, Thanks to Warren Stewart. The $500 has been injected into 1st 2 Tourneys, $250 Each.

I have adjusted the Prize Funds, but they didn't change much.

The 2nd 2 tourneys will run with no sponsorship at this stage (I will keep endevouring to find some). I have also adjusted these 2 tourneys accordingly and have been very conservative on the entries as per advice from a few ppl. If we get more entries, they will be re-adjusted to suit.

I have also DROPPED the Champ of Champs idea, as I decided this was not a feasible option. We will still run BOTY pts for all Tourneys, and I will find something to give the Winner. Will hopefully get a High Performance Ball Sponsored for the Prize, but we will wait and see.

The Link For the NEW file is below, pls view it and give constructive criticism on it.

Once again, A BIG THANK YOU to Graham Williams for all his help and Warren Stewart for the $500 and having a bit of faith in us Tasmanians to get something going.

It is all up to you guys, THE BOWLERS, to get this thing off the ground! If we get the support from the bowlers, we will get INCREASED SPONSORSHIP next year. So, basically, YOU WANTED IT, YOU GOT IT!


Yes, everyone had been asking for this for quite awhile, so PLEASE get behind it and show your support to ensure we have a long running tournament series in Tassie!

Thanks to Gus and Graham for their work and to AMF for their support.

Let's hope it's a success!!
More Points for BOTY

I made a decision 2day to include ALL Area and State Masters in ALL Divisions to the Points System. ie If you bowl HBT Masters you will receive points towards BOTY. Hopefully, this will increase entries to the Masters Events Aswell. This will include Adult, Juniors, O45's, Veterans, Restricted etc etc. YOU WILL ONLY RECEIVE POINTS FOR 1 CHAMPIONSHIP. Ie If you bowl OPEN and VETERANS in the same Championship, you will only get POINTS for 1 event, not Both. I will come up with a points system for the masters events and get back to you all.
Grand Prix Circuit entry form


Any chance you can change the format of the entry form? Some of us dont have excel so we cant view it.
This looks fantastic Gus, many thanks to you & Graham for making all this possible.
I'm certainly looking forward to competing in some great tournaments again 2003 - I've felt the competitive urges come back again this year after my 5 year hiatus from tournament bowling.

On another note, who is no longer bowling tournaments in 2003.
* Androo is most likely heading off to Sydney.
* Youngy to Brisbane.
* DJ's having a year off.
* Bruv's allegedly going back-packing to the big-island for a year.
* Trent Griggs no longer bowls.
* Jayson Griggs maybe hamstrung by work commitments.
* Amy Huxley's going back to play A-Grade hockey.

I've also heard a couple of other woman bowlers are pulling the pin.

I think you may have to include the ATBSO players in all the events to get decent numbers if all these people are pulling out.
That would be good in a way because those guys are always up for a challenge.
Players like Tylutki, Radcliffe, Tilla, John Phillips, "Lefty" Glover, "Woody" - don't know if the ladies will be interested but......can't hurt to ask I s'pose 8)

I might ask Simon Gourlay if he is interested in entering the Moonah tournaments - he bowls on Tuesday nights now so I'll inquire for you.
Paul and "Haytch" as well as Oaks might be others that will enter -

Anyway best of luck with it and thanks for the great work. :wink:
hello all,

at this stage you can add me to the list of 'no shows', I will be taking the year off, which is dissapointing in a way because I have always tried to support any tornies that I could and really want to see the grand prix work, unfortunately bowling just isnt getting any cheaper and from my point of view, if you can't afford to play properly (ie: tornies - here and interstate, rachuig etc) then there is no motivation to just play league, therefore I am having a year off and then will re-assess!

goodluck to the grand prix and i hope as many people as possible support it .... who knows i may make an appearance in 1 torny, but that will be it!
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