Sydney Youth Masters



Just asking what girls are bowling in the Sydney Youth Masters?

I am so I will see you there.

I'm bowling in B squad I hope. I haven't heard if I got in that squad yet.
i am definately bowling and i am bowling a squad.
i know sam fisher is also bowling and she is bowling a squad also
are there many girls bowling that we know of??
Hi All...

Unfortunately I won't be there at youth masters...but my post is a huge Congrats to all the chicks who are giving it a go.

When I first saw the format, I knew there would be a few girls taken by the new format, as I was one of them...

The cut will be tough, but it will be a chance for the female talent to shine.

Good Luck
Yeah A squad for me too
and like cameron its an IF I CAN GET THERE!
cos at the moment the f3 at kariong is closed (so i was told)
and if it doean't open well no me for youth!
any ways catch yas there!
i think there are alot of people who are worried about not getting thru due to the fires. including me. i hope no one is affected by the fires. my heart goes out to all who are.
i am hoping to see u all at youth on friday.
its a pity u aint gonna be there leisa it woulda been great seeing ya again.
see everyone soon
oh yeah just another put in about what girls are bowling.
i think these people are bowling (not 100% sure)
kelly young, lauren rochester, reese leckie, christine day i think thats all!
but thats a few fr ya to know and watch for
especialy lauren she has been going off latley!
n e ways hope i will make it to see everyone if not good luck to all
im sure i will.
catch ya's
Does anyone have any scores from today's squads? If anyone can post them here, it would be great.

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