strikezone intercentre photos?


New Member
hey does anyone know when the south coast intercentre photos are at strikezone? i need to know asap cause i dont want to miss them!!! :x
Harley u wont miss them...they will be put up on the wall...along with the shield pics & the others
well then how come according to scott i almost did miss them this past wednesday and i didnt hear anything bout that date. :x
Yes harley trust us.....u wont miss them as i said they are gunna b put up on the wall....last years ones where so dont worry u wont miss them....if u want a copy of em...ask mrs Huk who i think wuld of taken them...she will email em to u...
kezza do you mean put up on the wall so i can see them?if so your misunderstood cause im supposed to be IN THEM!!! :D
Think he wants to know when the photos will be taken, not when they will be placed on the wall, as he was in the team.

Later Da Cowman!
hallilooyah yes thats what i wanted to know :roll: .Thanks cow for sheding a little smartness on these fellows lol :lol: .Just kidding,ok thanks ill be ready now after the holidays. :p

LATER :twisted:
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