Squad list for Strathpine on the 16.11.14 is attached.
If you are down to bowl and cannot bowl can you please email me as I have two people wanting to get into A squad. If you are not down to bowl and want to bowl please email me so that I can add you to the list.
My email address is asblakeley@optusnet.com.au
Thank you
Alex Blakeley
ATBSOQ Secretary
Squad list for Strathpine on the 16.11.14 is attached.
If you are down to bowl and cannot bowl can you please email me as I have two people wanting to get into A squad. If you are not down to bowl and want to bowl please email me so that I can add you to the list.
My email address is asblakeley@optusnet.com.au
Thank you
Alex Blakeley
ATBSOQ Secretary