
Congtatulations to the following bowlers who rolled off at Milton Tenpin Bowl on the weekend for the youth team.
Boys -
Rob Muller pinfall - 2647, 220ave
Matthew Middlemiss - 2629, 219 ave
Ben Coupland - 2577, 214 ave and Brando who is overseas at the moment. 1st reserve is Matthew Smith on a 202 ave.

Girls -
Jade Flanagan
Kimberley Barry
Lisa Island
4th - Yet to be announced.

Jeff Payne.
Congrats to all that made the team it was a great display of bowling. There were some big scores bowled from game one onwards. Now back to "that" 7 pin... :p

Congrats again to all who made the team, go get 'em in Sydney :D
Congratulations everyone .. ESPECIALLY MATT !! Go Bro !! haha sorry i had to write it :p

Ta Ta .. :twisted:
Hey guys..well that sounds like a mighty good youth team u guys have goin to townsville there...i just wanna wish ya's all the best of luck....GO NQ!!! oh and congrats to bennels...knew u could make bub!

:twisted: tiffany-jade :twisted:
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