state lanes



Is it just me or did left handers seem to cope with the lanes conditions with more ease at state then right handers?
i think it was only cos there are more right handers then left so they had oil longer then we did.. it was pretty fair though i think
Dont take this the wrong way,like i'm not having a go at right handers ar anything but i am a left handed bowler and i've been bowling for 3 yrs and i dont think i have an advantage... i see why people think we do but in my oppinion we dont....
We do get oil and it doesnt dry out as quick for yas, but what happens wehn the lanes are flooded and everyone wants them to dry out....? we are f****d so to speak!
Plus if left handers have a good line, everyone says, "you dont have to worry, you can just stay in the one spot and dont have to move", i guess thats right in a way but when we move to other lanes we have to find another line most of the time like right handed people.
Anyways, well thats what i think, i just hope i get a lefty to bak me up,lol..... :roll:

Luv yas! 8)
Dont take this the wrong way,like i'm not having a go at right handers ar anything but i am a left handed bowler and i've been bowling for 3 yrs and i dont think i have an advantage... i see why people think we do but in my oppinion we dont....
We do get oil and it doesnt dry out as quick for yas, but what happens wehn the lanes are flooded and everyone wants them to dry out....? we are fucked so to speak!
Plus if left handers have a good line, everyone says, "you dont have to worry, you can just stay in the one spot and dont have to move", i guess thats right in a way but when we move to other lanes we have to find another line most of the time like right handed people.
Anyways, well thats what i think, i just hope i get a lefty to bak me up,lol..... :roll:

Luv yas! 8)
There is no advantage here. Righties lose oil quick bcoz there is more of us. But if that is the case, then a good bowler knows how to get around this obstacle. It shouldnt really matter wot hand you bowl wif, as long as your consistant then thats really all that matters.

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