State badging

Andrew S.

Gold Coast
We have never had a permanent State badge or emblem for our State Rep uniforms. What would be a good one?
This is a link to the official Qld government emblem, however we are not supposed to use this exact badge.
(We did write to the protocol dept for permission a few years back and they said no.)
Lots of organisations use a similar looking emblem but presumably with enough changes to avoid any legal problems.
Do we need something like this or should we have something totally different?
Any graphic design experts out there?
Wheres the link to the emblem ?
Why not try writing again - maybe they have changed their mind since then :)
Whilst you blokes at TBAQ are looking for something to do. How about you or Sid try returning my calls! :mad:

How about that for an idea?

Ronnie "very pissed off" Conquest
Gee Andrew

That badge on the goverment web page sure looks the same as the ones that Qld South had on their shirts at Rachuig this year.

When you are talking state are you talkin about South of Rocky all the whole state as one including the great people who live NORTH of Rocky:cool:

Kerri I know that here in the South we have no fixed emblem for State Teams and I dont think that the North does either. I just wanted to raise the matter to see if anyone felt strongly about it. TBAQ certainly wont be making any directives. Its generally left up to the Co-ordinator or Committee to decide. In view of the fact that the only suggestion has come from Graham it seems that it's not really a big issue anyway.
And you're quite right the badge Qld South had on their shirts this year does bear a strong resemblance to the official one.
For the record I think the Protocol department is totally out of order in not allowing the use of this exact badge on State Team shirts.
Thumpa said:
Gee Andrew
That badge on the goverment web page sure looks the same as the ones that Qld South had on their shirts at Rachuig this year.
When you are talking state are you talkin about South of Rocky all the whole state as one including the great people who live NORTH of Rocky:cool:

It’s a shame that it has come too this.

I don't know about anyone else but since the separation of the state to have North and South there always seems to be this rivalry. Rivalry that doesn’t seem to be between the two states in mention and others say like Victoria or Tasmania.

I can't believe that something like an emblem could stir such an issue, someone from North Qld (not the whole team i might add) were the only ones who seemed to have an issue with what we had on our shirts this year. I mean for god’s sake it’s just an emblem, who really cares what it looks like.
So long as we pick something and stick with it would be a good idea. Maybe when we do we should send it up for Nth Qld's approval as well.
I mean are we heading down the path Andrew that other Teams in our state do like examples.

Rugby we have the QLD Reds
League we have the Cowboys and Broncos
AFL we have the Lions
Soccer we have the Roar
Basket Ball you have the Bullets and Suns and so on

Is this the road we are heading???? Then we can get a Logo or emblem to represent that, it may even help with Marketing!!!!!!
You forgot cricket - the Bulls.

I remember when they first announced the cricket teams were going to have names and I personally thought it was a bit stupid. The authorities stuck to their guns and kept the names going since and now the names are the things remembered by everyone.

Not a bad idea Jase - I just think the traditionalists (or control freaks - and there are a few in bowling) will try and block such an idea.
I love the idea of Team names.
Peter Martin has suggested Qld Squirrels for QS this year.
I rather like it. Walter De Veer will probably go along with it, dont know about Rachuig. Or should the scratch team be different?
Doesnt exactly strike fear into the heart Andrew! Maybe look at something that actually has an association with our state (or even country for that matter)
So how do we convert this to a badge?

graham said:
Doesnt exactly strike fear into the heart Andrew! Maybe look at something that actually has an association with our state (or even country for that matter)

NO i must agree Graham but there slogan could always be-

We have got you by the nuts!!:p :p

Just a quick thought
I don't know about anyone else but since the separation of the state to have North and South there always seems to be this rivalry.

You weren't at De Veer were you lol! There is nothing like rivalry between Nth & Sth in De it's just you Rachuig mob! Both De Veer teams get along very well and there is a real bond of friendship between the two teams...we want to whoop each other on the lanes but off the lanes we're all still Queenslanders!
So what's to stop both Sth Qld and Nth Qld using the same badge on the uniforms, with only the wording (obviously) changed ??
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