SQ Roll Offs


New Member
Just wondering if someone could please post the standings after the first ten games.

Thanks heaps

Hey Kel,

I only have the boys so here goes:-

1. Trent Scrivener
2. Anthony Ambrosio
3. Jason Twohill
4. Phillip Fagg
5. Andrew Nobbs
6. Matthew Simpson
7. John Fry
8. Joel Marshall
9. Nathan Patterson
10. Wayne Perry

There is the top 10 after the first 10 games.

See everybody at the next roll off.



I have the girls

Jayde Flanagan
Amanda Frost
Bianca Flanagan
Charmaine Riseley
Lisa Ireland
Yvette Lawton
Leanne Douglass
Cindy Phelan
Melanie Warmington
Joeleen Pile-Schaffer

That's the top 10 after 10 games

So, what did ppl think about the weekend? The scores weren't all that big, but a big congrats must go out to both Trent and Jayde, both about 90 and 80 pins clear on top at the moment. Still ten games to go yet. So as I asked, what did ppl think about the weekend??
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