Sport Series Results Mt Warren


New Member
Hi all i will list the top 5 places , hilary will have a full standing sheet later and the overall points.

1st andrew drew 2051
2nd bec simpson 1887
3rd mark sheehan 1875
4th = greg kelly
adam lack 1871

we had 33 bowlers and payed down to 16th which was kate wilton on 1734.

i will be very interested to hear what the bowlers thought of the condition and how it played and should we bowl on it again?

i was happy with the the length and the amount of oil as it lasted the whole 10 games and didn't seem to break down . please let me know what u thought of it .
Hi Jeff.

I had a great time, personally I made some poor shots but enjoyed the day none the less. I would like to see the condition used again as it appeared to prove very challenging to all but drewy.

I started on lanes 1 & 2 and steadily moved up the centre. The lanes seemed to break down marginally as I moved up the centre.

Just to add, I'd love to have that condition to practice or bowl league on every week, it would make me appreciate the 'easier' league conditions we normally get week in & week out.


I agree with Dale, the condition was very challenging! But if you could get the right speed and bowl with some consistancy, it was possible to score. AND it certainly held up for all 10 games....which was so nice to see!

I would love to have another go on this condition, perhaps at Caboolture to see if the carry is any different. I would also love to see this condition set down on synthetic would be great just to see how different the results would be!

Great job!

Thanks heaps.

Lacky and Kyles
Mt Warren Sport Seres

Well it has been a long day....

Please post here or let Jeff know if you see a problem or correction in my scoring or points :)

What an interesting day that was :D

Thanks to Jeff and everyone for another well run tournament. The condition was certainly interesting to say the least, that was without doubt the most amount of oil I have ever bowled on (well certainly in Queensland anyway :) ). I personally never really had much of a chance today on those conditions because the gear I brought certainly did not come close to suiting the amount of oil that was out there, or the length. I didn't believe you when you said "heavy oil" to 40 ft :D I'll know next time.

The condition broke down only a little towards the end so it was good to see the condition hold up. I personally think that with that amount of oil, it may be an idea to bring the length back a little bit, maybe just a couple of feet. As I say that's just my opinion, something you could think about for next time. Carry was also a big issue for me today :? Early on I was hitting flush pocket 7-10's and all kinds of weird stuff was happening from decent shots. It would be interesting to see how that condition would go in another centre.

All in all a very challenging day, but a good one - certainly a learning experience. Next time I'll bring the right gear for the conditions :D
Dam i wish i bowled today, when people where saying to me that there was oil i didnt think taht there would be taht much, well i hope taht caboulture will be the same i would liek to bowl on some oil for once in my life.
another centre

I'd agree with all the comments.

The pattern was excellent and didn't break down. Even though I didnt hang around both squads appeared perfectly even which is exactly what you want.

Drewy bowled great and got his swing into the perfect groove that you needed which nobody else managed to do so a big congrats to him.

I would like to see the pattern at probably Caboolture with the better carry and see what the difference is but all in all a very solid pattern where all had their chance and the best player on the day won. Certainly cant ask for more than that.

Well done and thnaks to Jeff and Hillary again for all the work.

Amendments to Points

I am posting the points again because I made an adjustment to Tony Hamiltons points (missed his tourn 4 poins.... Doh!!)

This changes some of the placings in the top 15
Sorry if this affects you....

If there are any other changes please let us know......
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