Sport Series Ipswich Results


New Member
hi all , would like to start by thanking dino and his staff at ipswich superbowl for a great day. the lanes played tuff and the scoring was exactly how I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

1st carl 2092
2nd brando 2065
3rd jase 2039

the top 3 were the only bowlers over the card and last place in the money was ... ME :D :D :D ... at 1878.

with all the talk before the tournament about how easy the condition looked ,i will be interested to hear what the bowlers thought about it after today.

bean will post a full list later.

I thought the conditions were quite easy even though my final tally didn't reflect it (but that's me - I hate bowling 5 board on lane 20 where the wall is virtually part of the lane). There was a shot for everyone and the only problems were carry down oil in the 15 board area (I'll blame Brando as he was just in front of me) and lanes 13 and 14 being seemingly different to the others. Thanks for a good day.

Here you go everyone........

I have done the points after the third tournament.

I have also add the results from each tournament this year.

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