Sport Series (caboolture) Results


New Member
hi all , i will list the top 3 and bean will post the full scores later with the overall standings.

1st carl bottomley 2030
2nd mark sheehan 1990
3rd tont hamilton 1988

we payed to 19th gary bernardin 1755

today was the hardest pattern we bowl on and it proved that again. we may have been lucky that the new pins didn't arrive or the day might have been harder again!!!!!

the best part of the day was the last block in the 2nd squad, sitting back watching as everyone was trying to hold on or trying to get into the's great when there is less then 100 pins between 10th (1824) and 23rd (1736) .

looking forward to hear what others thought of the day and the condition.

and thanks for supporting the raffle which was won by magoo!!! thanks to dwambo for supply the prize and all the money raised goes into the prizefund at the end of the year.
HI all,

Having never bowled on this type of pattern before, I found it fairly tough at first. But once I worked out what I had to do, it was still tough!!! This is the reason why I like to come and bowl in different centres and tournaments, so that I can get use to different conditions, and this should eventaually make me a better bowler (I hope :lol: ).

Anyway, just a small problem. I got no points for today!. I had a quick look at the overall results and I found that, according to the results, I didn't bowl today. Could I please have some points, pretty please!! :) If you want, since you gave Tony Hamilton my points, could I have his. I'm sure Tony won't mind too much. :p

Other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed the day, and I can't wait for the next one.

sorry about that chris i wii let hilary know and the problem will be fixed ..... i am sure hamo won't mind :D :D
Hi everyone..... Once again we had great support for the brackets !!!
From A Squad
$2 brackets were won by;
Animal $16
hammo x 2 $16 x 2

$5 brackets were won by;
1st Bruce $30 & 2nd Magoo $10
1st Hammo $30 & 2nd Carl $10.....this was won by 1 pin

From B Squad;
$2 brackets were won by;
Darryl $16
George $16
Andrew Christopher.........Sponsored by Hammo $16

$5 brackets were won by;
1st Darryl $30 & 2nd Shayne $10
1st George $30 & 2nd Jase $10

Also were ran a raffle for a bottle of scotch and the winner was Magoo!!!!

Thanks to everyone who supported the brackets and raffle. All raffle proceeds are put back into the sports series so well done to everyone.


Just checking are the brackets run over individual games or over the block total. Jusk asking cause i dont go in them, but may consider it next time.
They are run over individual games. For of the brackets might be run over games 3-5-7. Eight bowlers first round (game3) then cut to 4 bowlers for the second round (game5) then cut to 2 bowlers for the final round (game7).
Sport Series

Hi all

To start with the condition. I thought it was very challenging. Although i thought that they dried out way to fast for the last block of the 2nd squad.

I didnt know what to do tried several things but didnt work. But looking but there only one thing i didnt try, but i will remember this for next time. and maybe i will have some success.

Hammo, you owe me a beer from your winnings in the brackets. Good on ya for backing an out of form horse (bowler).

Cya all next time at MT Warren
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