South Queensland Junior Masters 2005


I like to congratulate the placegetters of the sth qld masters.

Boys: 1st.... Matt Simpson (averaged 197/14 games)
2nd... Steve Armstrong (averaged 180/16 games)
3rd..,. Alex Knaap (averaged 200/12 games)

Girls: 1st.... Kimmy-rose Haining (averaged 190/14 games)
2nd... Jacinta Gilliland (averaged 190/16 games)
3rd.... Katie Kroenhaart (averaged 170/12 games)

Overall there was some good bowling and some not so good bowling( not mentioning any names :( ).

Congratulations to all of you, especially...

Miss Kimmy - Looks like you had lots of 'problem' frames!
Matty Moo - Two in a row, you legend! Olive juice!

Love Krissy
Hey Guys... CONGRATES great bowling... =D>

Hey Matty WHOS THE CHAMP... LOL... ;)
Go Kimmy you bowled great... Keep up the good stuff...

Once again Congrats and i shall see you's in Canberra... Bubbyez for now! :cool:
Alicia (NQ) \\:D/
WOOOOOOO go matty and kimmy well done guys

matty looks like that high rev bowling is working for ya same with kimmy and her cranking lol

congrats again guys see you here in canberra!
Hey all

Congrats to everyone who bowled. well done to Matty and Kimmy, and duane for making it as far as he did acting like lleyton hewitt lol.

Craigy said:
WOOOOOOO go matty and kimmy well done guys

matty looks like that high rev bowling is working for ya same with kimmy and her cranking lol

congrats again guys see you here in canberra!

LOL yes Kimmy the cranker of course!!!!

Well done sweetie so proud of you, walk straight into masters and show em what you've got now!!!

Well done to Matt as well, always a classy bowler!!

Well done to everyone,
WOOT WOOT big congrats to Matty J we all knew he could do it back to back.

Kimmy me n Hayli told you we were yours for the night so tell us where n when. Good bowlin CR

Nah good bowling guys
luv u both lots
krissy xox
Big congrats to Matty j and Kimmy Rose, great bowling by both of ya's.
And i would also like to say congrats to STTTTEEEEEEVVVEEEE, Alex, Jacinta, and Katie for place, good work by all. It was probably the funniest masters ive bowled in, with Duane, and also Phil go spastic on the lanes!
I want to say congrats to all those who placed, Matty and Kimmi, well done on the win.
I also want to apologise to Alex for having to pull out of our match because of a severely injured thumb, I wish I hadnt had to have pulled out. Oh well, I ran 4th!! Still nothing to complain about i suppose...

Congrats to everyone who bowled.
congrats to everone in the top 3 , huge congrats to kimmy and matty, always knew u could get back to back. hope to see everyone there next year and hopefully i can bowl better.

luke green
congrats to kimmy and matty you guys rock

matty ur a champ to do it back to back and you deserve it :D

kimmy u bowled really well and i cant wait to face u again at nationals

well done to all the entrants you did well and it will be great to verse some of you at nationals

luv u all

jazza :D :silly: :silly:
i'd just like to congratulate in the girls KiMmY-rOse, JaCiNtA aNd AlSo MiKkY Ob1 - you girls bowled awsome... and for the boys ofcourse MaTtY-j you really did bowl awsome, as you normally do... Phillip and Duane (aka door knobs) were up there for the noise and the goofey-ness :) but also managed to bowl fairly well...
once again congratulations all of you and everyone who competed should be happy with yourselfs as there were many good games bowled and alot of suprises occur...
Congrats to Matty J. Bakkala Bakkala Dirka Muhamud Jihad. Always knew you could do it Matty I'm sure I told you that before I left. Maybe some of that good bowling could rub off on your sister!!! :eek:nfire: :eek:nfire:
i would just like to mention that phillip also had i think highest average for the marsters with a 220.something average.... very proud of you phillip :p
CONGRATS KIMMU!!!! Awesome bowling, knew you could do it!
Congrats also to Matty Simpson
Well bowled everyone who placed.

Later Da Cowman!
hey Guys

i would just to say well done to kimmy you like a top gun in the finals well done.

and well done matt you always bowl good
Big Congrats to the Big Cranker Kimmy haha must of been all those revs that did it for ya!!!!! Also big congrats to Matty well done bloke I'll see ya both in just over a month!!!

Dion A ;)
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