Some South Australian Assistance required!!!!!!!


I'm still standin'
Hello SA bowlers.....

We have a group of Qld bowlers who are travelling to your fine state at the end of July to participate in the SA Seniors Classic at Golden Grove.

Can anyone please recommend some decent accommodation that is not going to break the bank, and which is also convenient to both the bowl and the airport????? :roll: Not knowing the layout of the city makes it a little difficult to know where is the best place to stay - the city may be more convenient, we don't know!!!

Any ideas that you can offer (and soon!!) will be gratefully appreciated!!!! :D

Broni 8)

The person to talk to is Elaine Phelan who is organising accomodation. I dont have an entry form in front of me, byut if you do, you can get her contact details from that. If not, call me tomorrow at Village Bowl, on (08) 8289 4688 and I will give you her number.

Look forward to seeing you there in July.
Thanks for that Brenton...we actually rang Elaine some time ago and she was going to get some stuff together and send it off to us, but as we hadn't heard anything, we thought we would try a different track. Many thanks also to Jo Babic for the contacts that she forwarded to us. One way or another, we will have somewhere booked, and we are all looking forward to making the trek south :D

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