
Sunday 13th Dec 2009
Check in 9:30am
Bowl 10:00am
10 Games
Entry fee $180.00
WIN $250.00 per skin
Based on 20 bowlers
Light Refreshment after finish
Cash only - No E.F.T.P.O.S available
Bookings essential
ph 4587 8777
Can bowlers win multiple skins?

Are there any rules or guidelines set for this event?

More information would be appreciated.
Hi everyone,

Just answering the questions you's asked,

1. The center is acredited by the TBA so the guidelines are of the TBA rulings.

2. Yes you can win multiple skins.

3. Any ties for the skins the prize money will be split between the winners.

Any other questions please dnt hesitate to ask.
Thanks :D
I have already registered at the centre for this tournament, do other bowlers have to do the same or can they leave their name here on this thread?
Heyguys you can leave your name n a contact number here on the thread n we will continue to check and put names down at the center thanks again
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