
Hi All,

I only want feedback before I make a decision on whether to make a change to open youth. I originally thought that I would recieve over whelming support considering the word was that the whole under 23 thing was making it hard to get numbers in tournaments such as sharp. Junior only tournies are not going to well either as sydney cup numbers were not that great either. Well I don't know what to do now because I have all these sponsors and the numbers are going pretty bad. I will go close to paying the original prize fund if I can at least fill C squad even if I don't run A squad.
I know there is a number of youth players ready to roll but I don't want to get every body off side by making a change that will not be well accepted.

PLEASE without all the crap and purely in the best interest of our sport and its sponsors, can I have some resonable feed back on this so I can make a decision by weeksend.

ALSO if tournaments are going to continue in this country they must be supported so that they are viable for bowling centres to book out there entire centre for the weekend. I LOVE running tournaments because to see happy bowlers is what I am in this game for so lets get behind this one and give it a go.

Many Thanks

Zane Que
Zane, although im not a junior and would be classified as one of the older bowlers making the trip up there to support the tournament. I believe that you should do whatever is neccessary to hold the tournament successfully. If it means increasing the age limit or whatever, it should be done. Getting sponsorship for tournaments doesnt come easily and thats one reason i think you should do whatever it takes! You have good support from sponsors and people should appreciate that and give support themselves! For the younger bowlers out there that may not want the limit to be increased or anything. If it gets harder, work harder and you will get greater results. This post is my opinion, it is not meant to be offensive toward anyone! Hopefully Zane gets his feedback to help this tournament get the support it deserves and that Zane deserves for working his hardest to keep everyone happy! As i said, thats just my opinion!
toowoomba isnt real accessible for interstate youths to get to, especially if flying.

the crap that has gone on here over the past 12 months probably hasnt helped either. now maybe we can ask the same people who claim to foster and promote the sport, have they set out to achieve what they were after???

good luck and i hope you can get this moving :wink:

i know when i bowled there last year, i thought the conditions were great, which was equalled with the event
Zane...I find nothing worse than a tournament promoter who changes the rules ( ie. age limits et al) after I have sent in my entry...

I know I'd be po'd if I thought I was bowling against juniors only when I sent in my entry....only to have the tournament opened up to all youth bowlers. With many of your entrants travelling a fair distance..deciding not to bowl just isn't always going to be possible without a sizable loss to the pocketbook.

ps...I'd have to give it a long hard thought whether or not to bowl anything else in your centre if the rules aren't really the rules..know what I mean?

"just my opinion...make what you want of it"
Well then Wayne, its a good thing your not bowling isn't it?

Zane, you have done the right thing by at least asking the people who ARE competeing whether they mind or not. My mate Simon even called me earlier today and asked me if I minded. I told him I didn't. I believe it can only make the tournament only more competitive. If they have been no complaints of the people that are bowling, then go ahead. If it means a successful tournament that can be run, then it is a good choice.

See you all in a just over a week, 22 and 23 year olds included.

Later Da Cowman!
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