seniors in Quam.

rocket rod

New Member
It was a privalege to be part of a unique group of Australians who travelled to Quam.Every bowler received at least one medal,a huge success in itself .
The support i was given in the masters by Lorraine,Kevin,Kim,Stephen,Allan,Jagga,Pam,Brenda,Ingrid and Ros was unbelievable.
Supporters Kathy,Broni,Terry and Sally brought the house down with their Aussie, Aussie etc. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Our unaccompanied singing of the national anthem left everyone speechless .
Well done team . We all earnt that gold medal. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Many thanks from rocket.

P.S. If only we could have had toast.We may of had more medals.
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