Seniors Australian Open Squad List


Hi All
Attached is the squad list for Seniors Australian Open to held at Sunshine Super Bowl on the 28th & 29th April.
This is a big weekend for the ATBSOV anyone who has not entered and wishes to do so you may post here or email me at
Sue Raphael


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Hi All
Well the easter bunny has been and gone. Attached is the lastest list anyone wishing to enter please let me know.


Sue Raphael


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Can you please remove Mick Poulitsas from this tournament as he has other commitments.

Thank you
Hi All
This is the final listing that I will post. Anyone entering after this post your names will naturally not be there.
This is a big weekend for the ATBSOV as we run three tournaments, our numbers at present are 125 which is excellent.
Our thanks goes to everyone that has supported this event

Look forward to seeing you all.

Sue Raphael


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Hi Sue, any chance of getting a list of names for the graded event on Saturday morning too?
Thanks - Jo :thmbup:
Just like to wish everybody good luck for Saturday. No doubt we will see lots of high scores.

I'm disappointed that I can't come and watch and catch up with some old faces but somebody had to stay behind and run the business.

to echo Bron's comments, good luck to everyone competing in Melbourne this weekend. We look forward to seeing Sunshine produce the same standard of scoring that we were treated to at AO over Easter.
well on saturday the oil was not as long as the AO at easter
Pattern & machine different to Easter AO.
Much drier, especially on left - no area at all.
Righty's who scored were bowling around 15 board straight down with speed.
Someone(won't say names) claimed Brian King was not age qualified to bowl.
Someone(won't say names) claimed Brian King was not age qualified to bowl.

Well maybe "someone" should get the facts first before commenting. I don't know Brian King (from what I hear though I would want to as he is a really nice person) but I very much doubt if Sue Raphael didn't do her homework.

Well maybe "someone" should get the facts first before commenting. I don't know Brian King (from what I hear though I would want to as he is a really nice person) but I very much doubt if Sue Raphael didn't do her homework.
The "someone" in question was quite vocal to anybody within earshot.
I don't know if it is true or not, but if it casts doubt on a persons integrity, then
the committee should investigate and put paid to the rumour.
Hi all, ( Especially lefty can't carry )
The problem with people standing within "earshot" of people sprouting whatever they want, is they dont actually hear any facts. All they hear is maybe some disgruntled person who for whatever reason wants to put doubts on people.
The committee of the ATBSOV did do their homework.
Eligibility for all Nationally ranked tournaments states:
To be eligible to compete bowlers must reach the age of 50 years by the end of the year which the tournament is bowled. For the record my birth certificate says: Date of birth 24/10/1957.
Which means i turn 50 this year and am eligible.
Whilst on the A.O subject, i would just like to thank the committe for running a very professional tournament. I have been bowling tournaments since 1978 and i feel Wayne Burton, Sue Raphael and all of the committee should be very proud of the way that they conducted the tournament.
Finally on a personal note i would like to thank all of the people in the crowd for their congratulations when at last that 4 pin fell for my 1st 300.
Even Lefty can't carry ( who i bowled it against shook my hand.
Once again i hope this clears everything up.
Brian King
well done on your first 300 brian i have been bowling for the same amount of years you have and i turned 50 last december and im still waiting for my time to bowl a 300 but i think it wont happen i dont think im a good enough bowler to bowl a 300 so well done number 2 might be just around the corner
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