schools roll off

An annoucement on the dates and venue has been made on the TBA web site some 2 months ago.
This is the announcement made on the TBA website :

The Rolloff for the 6th Asian School Tenpin Bowling Championship Teams will be held at Canberra International Bowl, Tuggeranong from 7th to 9th February 2003.

The nomination fee for the rolloff will be $200 but does not include travel and accommodation for the weekend, this is at an additional cost to the bowler.

The 2003 Championships are being held in Indonesia and the TBA Board has yet to make a decision on whether they will send one or two teams.

When this is decided, nomination forms will be circulated.
Due to the recent events in Indonesia the Asian Bowling Federation has this morning advised that the Asian Schools Tenpin Bowling Championship 2003 will be held in Penang, Malaysia.

The roll off at Canberra International Bowl will go ahead as scheduled but Tenpin Bowling Australia will continue to monitor the travel situation through liaison with Department of Foreign Affairs and will keep all interested parties informed.

Tenpin Bowling Australia will be sending one boys team (4) and one girl’s team (4) as per our High Performance Program for 2003. If the situation of the actual event changes, the teams will then alternatively compete in the Arafura Games in Darwin, combining a development opportunity with the Northern Territory Institute of Sport.
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