
TO ALL JUNIORS...........

The SA Under 23's should be a good tournie this year, its also a TBA ranked tournie.

Theres 80 entries (40 men, 40 women) so get ur entries in quick smart!

If anyone needs accommodation over here in SA, u can email me or whatever and I can either find you accommodation with bowlers here, or u can stay with me - whatever!

my email add is:

Say Miss Cottrell...

Long time no talk to

How have you been?

Yeh, SA under 23s is a great tournie...but can you answer a few questions for me...depending on how much you already know?

1. What Centre this year is it being held at?
2. Entry Fee?
3. Are they expecting more entries than last year?

and Lastly...when is it on? I need dates to know if I can make it due to year 12 exams?

Thanks Babe and talk soon

Hey Everyone,

I totally agree with you Shelley it will be so much betta than every other year!

But the main thing we need is to make sure all of u's dat are interstaters have a place to stay so if ya want u can email me on as well as shelley and i'm sure we will be able to sort something out!

Just also think it's only $125 to enter and $1000 for 1st guys and gals GUARANTEED!
make sure you put ur entry in asap okies!!

L8r Lil Leisa
Hey Kimi Sweet,

it's on the 17th and 18th of August
At Elizabeth Bowl (backup for 99 nats) Entry is only $125 as i put in my last post and we are expecting more entries this year with 1st Garenteed.
Sweet remember ur staying here if ya gonna come down and i'll see ya in only 3 short weeks okies

P.S all the detials are in the national forum sweet so have a look there I'm sure we will get entry forms up at nats and well if not i'll try and get a heap and bring em up myself!

Luv Lil Leisa xxxx
Hey Lilone (aka KimiK),

I've got a few spare South Australian Under 23 entry forms if you want one.
Hey people just a few questions is there going to be a step ladder , also is there a maximum entry limit to the feild and also can somone send me 2 entry forms or bring them to brissie for me thanks .

scott andrews
hey Scott,

How is ya?? Long time no chat

To answer a few of your questions for ya..... there is gonna be no stepladder and pin fall carries over to finals on the sunday! there is also a maximum or 80 bowlers.

Gimme ya address and i'll send ya some entry forms sweet just email it to me @ or if ya want i'll bring some up to nats i think there are already a heap gonna be taken up but i'll bring some to be on the safe side okies

Talk to ya soon
Lil Leisa xxxx
C'mon guys and gals from all round Australia, lets support this tournament that has never got the recognition it deserves in all the years it has been running. So, get your entries in and come on over to SA in August. See you all then hopefully.

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