Theres a session that I once heard at a Seminar that always stuck in my mind when it came to running a Business.
In brief,there are only two types that run this planet.
When there is a crisis,an Accountant implodes,and a salesperson explodes.
The accountant tightens the ship,downsize the operation,cut costs.
The Salesperson sets up better sails,seeks new waters.
The Rosemount Cup decision to me sounds like it was an Accountant one.
Its been given a redundacy pay off.
So whats the problem..
Im writing this because,as all the guys know,its not just about bowling,its a Fubar type t,ment.Golf ,drinking,cards,drinking,eating out,drinking,laughing,etc.
I know what the major problem is from what ..185---195 av. bowlers have said to me when ive asked them through the years ,why they werent entering.
Too much oil.
True or false.....True.
The Rosemount Cup is no longer.
Not enough LOCAL support.
The Salesperson gives it one last shot.
He asks the accountant to give him figures.
Of the 60-80 bowlers( local ) who enter the Perth Cup(higher scoring conditions) many of those bowl in the Rosemont Cup.
15--20%..Then Houston we have a problem.
Give the locals what they want, Value for their entry fee..block the crap out of the lanes..give every 185--195 av. bowler the chance to shot a 200 av. plus...put a smile on their dial.
You av.210 and dont make the cut..but boy you had some great games.lots a strikes.Pat on the back for a 300.
Same prize fund..get the message out..came and practice on blocked lanes.
What have you got to lose.
Come on Rosemount..youve thrown in the towel without even hopping on the ship.
No entry forms to test the water...ah sorry..i forgot about the Accountants crystal ball..
Just get the F.......g thing rolling..theres time.