G'day all I am 40 and have been bowling for nearly 2 years and have established an average around 180 - 200 mark depending on what month it is and what new thing I am trying or failing at. My question is what is all the bumpff about conditions favouring left versus right or vice versa as in my limited experience there aren't all that many lefties about in the general populace and so therefore it follows that statistically they seem to be represented pretty well in all the comps I have witnessed in person and on the net. I am of the understanding that all the oiling patterns are symmetrical and therfore should hold no particular advantage for anybody. The only possible advantage I could envisage is that there may be less people playing on your side and you will have a bit longer before you lift all the oil from your playing area. Although the way all you young blokes crank the @#$% out of it it the ball covers the entire lane anyway and make s a mess of any LINE as such. I feel the bottom line is that the good bowlers adapt and overcome and the hacks whinge. I mean no offence to anyone but I see constant references to this issue on all bowling sites and can't really believe that they are justified. By the way I am right handed medium to low revs and higher ball speed. What are your thoughts.