Results first stop and a few changes


Well the first stop has beeen run and won and congrats to Justin Edwards on winning. It was a big day with 33 entries turning up wich included 4 women.
to start the day off the pattern was the boardwalk from the new navagation series of patterns from kegel probly not the best choice of patterns but hey we are new to this so got to start somwhere. After the 8 games quilafying we saw Gerry Cox leading with -11 and Brendan Meads rounding out the top 15 on -162.

We started the matchplay finals and Justin Edwards took an early lead from Gerry Cox and Mark Wyatt and Just was hrad to catch once he hit the front.
to round out the top 5 were Justin Edwards +63 2nd Mark Wyatt -14 3rd Daryl Alford -51 4th Brendan Meads -69 5th Gerry Cox -106.

So no we had to make a few changes to the series this year with the unfortunate event of Milton closeing its doors we have decided to make all of the stops at Caboolture and there will only be 5 stops this year instead of the normal 6 the new dates are

Stop 2 Sunday 27th of july
Stop 3 Sunday 21st of September
Stop 4 Sunday 26th of october
Final Stop Sunday 14th of december

Again Myself and Shellie thank everyone who turned up on sunday and we hope to see as many back for the next event on the 27th of July

Scott fryer
Hey there Dave, Give yourself a rap why dont you! Would have thought Magoo, you and pretty man in the same sentence was an oxymoron or maybe we just need to delete 3 letters and there's the answer.
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