Replacement for Napster

Andrew S.

Gold Coast
If you are tired of getting no response from Napster, try downloading
This is part of a file sharing group and there are a tremendous amount of MP3s on this network. Download speeds can at times be slow but the content is there.
If you can't get through to bearshare - you can always try

happy downloading!
Morpheus, and AudioGalaxy. Both links can be located at
this is a bowling forum yeah? im just checking cos i'm a bowler, and this doesn't seem like bowling talk to me.

please, correct me if im wrong tho, i know its an ever changing sport

(end sarcasm)
"A place to dicuss anything and everything"

That's what the description of this forum is am i wrong??

yeah .. well it is everything and anything .. tho I think the dude was joking . give him a break
C,mon ladies and gentlemen, grahams right, give the balloon a break, how about a broken eye, or ear, or nose.
What about alternative / Australian music. Its extremely hard to find this stuff with any program as the programs are only as good as the underlying network.
Does anyone know of any good websites for this type of music? The good ones never seem to be up for very long.
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Westie, Try the Audio Asylum website. Go to Music Lane and ask your question there.
A number of Australians are members of this site and if you can't get the answer you want they will at least tell you where to look.
Be warned, most of these guys know their stuff so tread cautiously. Good luck.Audio Asylum
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