Record or not??


With Ronnie Conquest bowling his first 300 game last thurs, just wondering if there is any one else in aussie that bowls with two fingers, no thumb and with one hand. We all know the great Belmo bowls two fingers but two hands.
Just thinking Reonnie could be the first, Any one know?????
I believe that there was a guy named Chris King, bowled out of Mt Druitt, who bowled two fingers with one hand, i think he had a 300 to his name...

I don't know aobut Australia, but I've done it here in NZ - With a house ball no less, when I was working a Tech for a Centre in Auckland (yes during work time - I was "testing the machines - honest!).
I started with Turkey and figured I'd keep going till I missed - on the 17th I had a ringing 10.
That has to be one of the highlights of my bowling career so far....

NZ Bowla
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