I have been in constant communication with my legal team the last few days and they seem to understand the position i am in and have suggested a discrimination case is valid ,as well as having alcohol banned from consumption during all sanctioned tenpin bowling ,if tenpin bowling is going to to be taken as a serious sport then all drugs should be banned including the consumption of alcohol
No offence mate, but going down that line may make you a very unpopular person.

Personally i do not drink or smoke for that matter but push this and the majority that do will be very unhappy to say things politely.

I think you should take a close look at the situation, you are making a mountain out of a mole hill.

Michael Mclaren
tickets for short lol
paul you are an absolute twit just because things are not going your way you are trying to go down another road so you can get your own way you say that the 475 was a bad night well if you bowl the way you should and not throw a back up shot for most of the 2nd then no one would may have cared but john and andrew have known you for years and they know how you can bowl and also what you are capable of doing when you want to have a go and so are alot of other people that have seen you bowl so i think you should just pull your head in and build a bridge and get over it as john and andrew were in there right to change your average or anyone else that they see are just mucking around it was in the fairness of the rules and anyone in the league would agree with what they did. :mad:
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