
i have 4 swap shirts to swap at this years sheild anyone interested?
Howdy Guys

Yes it is that time of year, to organise shirt swaps, and i have 2 South Australia shirts to swap if anyone is interested.

If you are interested, then contact me at BT871@hotmail.com

Thanks and c ya


I have no reason to be in this forum right now, but i am bored, so i will type. What are shirt swaps? Love to get a shirt.
Ok USABOWLER. Presidents Shield is a tournament where each state plays against each other for the shield. Teams are of 7 girls and 7 boys all under 18yrs of age. They have all rolled off in their own states for the team selections. Each team plays in there team shirts and at the end of the tournament players swap there shirts with each other. Now when you come over to Oz you may find that if you have USA shirts they could prove popular swap items but be prepared to never get them back cos its usually for keeps. Its always fun to wear other peoples team shirts when you bowl.

Hey Cookie,
Thanks. I have plenty of shirts from different sponsors that you peeps might want, so ill make sure to bring them over to swap. ANYONE WANN SEND ME A SHIRT??? lol. Ok, im goin to bed, gnighty.
OK i only have 3 shirts left now anyone from SA NQLD SQLD or VIC wanna central shirt?
Thanks Shellbs

Tell her no probs

I have one shirt left now so if anyone wants an SA shirt, then mail me or contact me here.

C ya
hey guys
i dont kno how many shirts we r gettin but id love to swap a few so ne one from NQ SQ VIC ACT/SNSW and SA if u wanna NT shirt :arrow give us a bell hey. :D
c u all soon
bu bye
HeY iTs JeSs + Rhi HeRe
We BoTh HaVe An AcT + SoUtHeRn SHiRt EaCh AnD We NeEd To FiNd SuMoNe To SwAp WiTh
We RnT PiCkY
:twisted: LuV JeSs N Rhi :twisted:
hey brody dude ill swap a shirt with you. thats if your willing to take a northern shirt :?
heya guys ive still got 3 left um
Tracey from VIC do you still wanna swap??

and if there is anyone from either QLD teams and the SA team that would like to swap my MSN is shellbyastill@hotmail.com or just email me etc?

Hey every1,
long time since i was last on here but ay dats kool...

Anyhow i was just wondering the same thing that every1 else is asking if maybe any1 would like 2 swap me 4 a central shirt i have 5 maybe 6 shirts 2 swap..

Im looking for a ACT/SNSW, VIC, SQ, NQ and NT shirts if possible get back 2 me on that 1...

thanks braddles 4 answering to shellbs 4 me i really appreciate it..

:lol: :roll: :evil: :x :? :?:
luv always
WA must truly suck if nobody wants to swap wif us. hehehe but i suppose living in a state where we could be our own country, i suppose i'll swap from some1 who lives about an hour from me??


No wait, i'd love an american shirt :D
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