Firstly, congratulations on a great forum. I am guilty of quietly sneaking around reading all the posts and not saying too much. Those who know me are probably quite shocked!

Anyway, how many of you have seen the fax circulating regarding the demise of the Qld team and the Ansett collapse? The bottom line is this, the bowlers and their organisers worked hard to raise the money, then through no fault of theirs lost it in this terrible corporate collapse.

They are seeking our help.Of course they are seeking financial help! Many of us have the same problem. There is barely enough money for ourselves, let alone giving it away.

We at the T&DDTBA (Toowoomba) have made a token gesture of $100 towards their plight, and calculate that if every association/centre in Qld follow suit, it would go along way to resolving the problem.

Of course larger groups may consider more, that would be great.

There are course many pro's and con's that maybe argued here, but time is short.

Keep up the good work Grahame and co.


John Wiffen
Morning All,
Yes, we have struck the same problem with the Tasmanian Rachuig Team.
Luckily half of the team was booked on Qantas, but 8 members of the group were booked on Kendell Airlines (an off shoot of Ansett).
At this stage 2 have re-booked on qantas, 4 have booked to travel on the Sprit of Tas and drive from Melbourne and 2 un-decided.
It is a difficult situation all round.
Regardless we will all be there to bowl Championships and Rachuig.
I hope everyone else can make alternative arrangements as well.

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