

I'm still standin'
A seniors road to national selection ( as seen through the eyes of a not so senior :) not even over 45 yr old tag-a-long :) ).......

2004/5 national training squad dues $ 100
2004 compulsory training camp Sydney $ 500
2004/5 extra education modules $ 200
2004 10 rankings event entries (avg) $2000
2004 accom/airfares/carhire/sundries (avg) $5000
2005 7 rankings event entries (avg) $1400
2005 accom/airfares/carhire/sundries (avg) $2500
new shoes/equipment/training (avg) $2500
at least ONE league over the 2 yrs $2300

TOTAL (approx) $16500

The look of absolute disbelief when it is learned that the team event the seniors are striving to gain selection for is not classified as a "high performance event", and therefore will not attract ASC funding in any way shape or form - in other words, get selected and find at least another $6000 out of your own pocket within 2 months to pay your own way - PRICELESS!!!!!

Bronwyn Morgan
Bron, I was trying not to "do the math" although the bottom line is only monetary. You have left out the many hours spent asking yourself why you want to do this (make the team), worrying about how you are going to justify the costs to make your dream come true (represent Australia) - when you should really be putting the cash into your super fund so you can eventually retire before you fall over; worrying about your fitness, hoping you will not let yourself and other people down, wanting to show that we are still worthwhile people in bowling, even though we are seniors, etc, etc.

Having the funding taken away is not the fault of TBA, the ASC has chosen to give the funding for development of the sport, rather than helping us oldies achieve our dreams and for some of us, finishing of our "career". Tenpin bowling is still not perceived as a sport, not like ballroom dancing, or synchronised swimming.

It feels like another kick in the teeth for tenpin bowling generally that the seniors appear not to be worth supporting. When you have just spent a couple of years trying to encourage seniors to get into, or stay in bowling for the sake of their fitness and friendships, this is a very hard decision to handle.

The team(s) are not being announced until August. In my view it would be an excellent move by TBA to bring this announcement forward, so the senior bowlers involved can say whether they can fund themselves or not, giving the opportunity to book air fares sooner (and cheaper), and more time to personally fund raise.

What do the other seniors in the NTS have to say about this?

Josie Adams
Queensland :( :( :(
Yeah, Josie, you are right, I did leave out a lot of things in my parody of the American Express Add - sometimes it is easier to remember the money first, then all the other things come to mind.

:( However, I would like to state one thing - it was not a whinge about the cost of the last 2 years, not for one minute. My husband and I, along with all the other NTS nominated bowlers, have all been aware from day one that to fully participate in the training squad in the lead up to Chinese Taipei was not going to be cheap. By giving an undertaking to attend the tournaments, the forums etc, we knew that our hands were going to be in our pockets right up til selection. NO ONE FORCED US TO PAY THOSE DOLLARS OUT, WE DID IT WILLINGLY BECAUSE WE LOVE OUR SPORT, AND WANTED A SHOT AT MAKING A NATIONAL TEAM - NO DIFFERENT TO THE ADULT/YOUTH AND JUNIOR BOWLERS WHO ARE MEMBERS OR ASPIRING MEMBERS TO THEIR RESPECTIVE NATIONAL TRAINING SQUADS :(

The real disappointment is the ASC non funding......when you take into account that what our womens team are paying out of their own pocket to go to Denmark doesn't even cover a return airfare to Chinese Taipei at todays prices, you realise how much the non funding hurts. The national team then becomes a team of those who can afford to go.

As a bowler, this doesn't affect me, so perhaps I shouldn't even be commenting. However on a more personal level, it does affect me - as it does all the wives, husbands and partners who have traipsed from bowling centre to bowling centre, from airport to airport, supporting their significant others in their quest for national selection. It is a big let down, financially and emotionally, and I for one am genuinely sorry for every senior bowler who may now feel that they cannot financially entertain their goal of national selection despite all their efforts over the last 2 years.

See you in Adelaide, of course we'll all be there still! ;)

Absolutely!! We are all capable of making decisions, and any one of us could have called it quits at any time.

I dont think for one minute that any one of the seniors, man or woman, in the NTS will be pulling out. Seniors are not quitters. Might influence the future though.

Its just an extra challenge....and I dont doubt that every one of us is fired up by with determination. Bring it on.
I can appreciate the comments and it has been no difference in the past for the normal teams. I can understand why the no funding as they do have limited funds to distribute and Seniors is not the main stream. The interesting part will be when all industries realise that Seniors will soon make up the majority of the population and therefore be the biggest market to target.
The price to represent has always been high, both monetary and personally, in years gone by you could win the money to go. In Seniors it is a bit harder due to the prize funds, but having said all that it is still an honour to represent your country at any level and it does give you a great feeling of satisfaction and pride. You are only here for a short time and I think those that have partners that support them are already winners.
I can only say good luck to them, I support them and I myself will be considering the possibility of starting the process next year. But there are options to representing officially. The High Roller comes to my mind, there is a Seniors event bowling end of August at Sam's Town which will have most of the Pro's there and that would be quite a thrill to be at. Plus Asian and Europen events are starting to appear.
Good luck and I hope that everyone makes the team that has put in the hard work and has had the results to back it up. I for one applaud their dedication.
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