Just a couple of things on that.
I don't want to hear anymore b*tching or whingeing or anyone cracking the sooks over how easy Australian lanes are at present - how easy are those lanes over there.......I mean, fair dinkum :?
In answer to your question Androo, I would has-it-a-guess and say that it would have to be sanctioned wouldn't it?
I mean, if the Sanctioned League that he plays has that rule that he can post/pre bowl by himself, then it would be allowed.
If he shot 199-144-163 for a 506 and they tacked that score on to his team's score, it would count.
So I can't see why the deliberation, I don't think that they'd be checking that the lanes were illegally blocked or anything, something tells me.
It probably will be sanctioned, but what a joke. He's not even done it in league.
But then any pre bowling makes a total mockery of the idea that league bowling is a legitimate sport. In what other sport can you join a team that competes on Friday night yet allows you to rock up to the bowl on a Tuesday and add your component to the teams eventual score?
Pre bowling is also used to gain unfair advantage and I believe it should be thrown out of the rules.
Most sports allow subs, thats exactly what they are for.
I agree with Andrew, pre bowling should be scrapped, as most leagues dont do it anymore. But as for this guys league over in the US, then his 900 should be sanctioned. He followed the leagues rules, and he didnt cheat on the final score, therefore he should be the 6th American to bowl a 900...
At last!! Somebody else who things pre-bowling makes a mockery of the sport. I work in a bowling centre and I can tell you that over 50% of the league bowlers use pre-bowls to cheat! It is just so easy to come and bowl Sunday morning when you are not tired, the lanes are freshly oiled, you can avoid lane 1 and 2, you can pick your favourite lane, etc, etc. Before I came to Australia I had never seen pre-bowling like this. We always had to arrange to pre-bowl against the team we were scheduled to bowl against, or use a substitute. In a four man team we always registered five players so we had a legal substitute.
In the centre where I work, prebowling for in-house tournaments used to be allowed! Can you imagine that! No wonder the in-house tournaments died a sudden death... when the "winner on the day" discovered that somebody prebowled the day before and had a higher score. Ridiculous, and obviously a desperation measure to gain extra lineage.
I dont feel either way on pre-bowling as i rarely find a need to do it.
but as it happens when my last league formed there was conjecture with some of the members of the league as to whether or not allow a person to pre-bowl on their own or make it so the whole team must be present.
I bowl a 4 person league and a doubles league and i find it much easier bowling with less numbers of people and less time between turns, so generally i would bowl better if i was on my own in a pre-bowl situation.
in my centre, a form has to be signed by the opposing captain on the team allowing the pre-bowl, you must also book a lane at that time, and when it is done we are keenly watched by staff.
unfortunately i am in a team where players seem to take many nights off during a league (last league of 37 weeks, one bowler missed 7 weeks) I wish i could force people to pre-bowl at times, rather than miss a league night
I agree with Andrew, pre bowling should be scrapped, as most leagues dont do it anymore. But as for this guys league over in the US, then his 900 should be sanctioned. He followed the leagues rules, and he didnt cheat on the final score, therefore he should be the 6th American to bowl a 900...
I totally agree with both Adrian and Andrew, pre and post bowling is very unfair.
But i disagree with the sanctioning of his 900, and the reason comes from the article. According to the article, the league bowls at a place called Shenango Bowlaway, and he bowled his 900 at Colonial lanes. Now, Colonial lanes allows you to pre and post bowl. But his league is played at Shenango Bowlaway. (The related text from the article is at the end of my post)
That would be like pre bowling your Fairlanes league at Cannington!! Would this be allowed????
The ABC still is reviewing the legitimacy of Campbell's scores because Campbell didn't bowl the games under league conditions. Campbell threw the 300s in near-seclusion at Colonial Lanes on a Friday evening because he couldn't make league play the following Monday night at Shenango Bowlaway.
The league bylaws allow a member to "prebowl" at Colonial Lanes and submit the scores if he is unavailable to bowl at the scheduled time with his team.