Poetry Thread


Staff member
If you have a great poem or have heard a great poem share it with us!!

Lets kick it off........

My name is Schapelle
My sister's Mercedes
That what happens
When bogans have babies

lmao........ :rofl:
Everytime we get together for a birthday or anniversary my grandfather always says the following when he or anyone else is reading the card.

The boy stood on the burning deck, picking his nose like mad.
He rolled them up in cannonballs and threw them at his Dad.

At this point we all go "Oh, Poppy just let (whoever is reading the card) read their card"

We'd be very dissapointed if he didn't do it, but gee it drives us nuts when he does. It's my grandmother's birthday tomorrow, so we'll have the privelage of hearing that poem tomorrow!!!

One that used to go around when I was in primary school was

Comet, it makes your teeth go green
Comet, it tastes like vaseline
Comet, it makes you vomit
So, get some comet and vomit today.

Can't think of any others!

Another primary school classic

If you see a little bunny
And it's nose is kinda runny
Don't think it's funny
Coz itsnot
Rachel. My you are so lucky you can share your pops bday, ENJOY this special day with him and always teasure those wonduful moments. my pa passed away 5 weeks ago, we shared the same bday, i miss him so much along with my family. we treasure all those little dittiys and fun times we had together. HI s love for us keeps us going .KATIE XX
Rachel. My you are so lucky you can share your pops bday, ENJOY this special day with him and always teasure those wonduful moments. my pa passed away 5 weeks ago, we shared the same bday, i miss him so much along with my family. we treasure all those little dittiys and fun times we had together. HI s love for us keeps us going .KATIE XX


I am very sorry for the loss of your Pop as we all know he has been ill for some time now.

My post was meant in a funloving manner and we are in fact at Ma & Poppy's right now for Ma's birthday and not long ago had a rendition of THE BOY STOOD ON THE BURNING DECK! At which point we are broke out in hysterics.

Believe me, we all cherish every family moment we get together. I'm sorry if you got offended, but as I said the post was meant in fun.

As I implied in my original post WE'D BE DISSAPOINTED IF HE DIDN'T DO IT. It's a family tradition that we all hope lives on for a long time to come.

We weren't offended of the post Rachel.
Heres a poem that my pa taught me from a lil tot!

There was a lil peanut sitting on a railway track
Its heart was full of flutter,
The train came whistling down the track
peanut butter!

treasure those prescious memories!:p
talk soon
There once was a bloke from Namtucket...
I think we all know where this one's going ay? :D
hahah beat me too it

saw this thread and thought about that one straight away

kind somes up where my sense of humour is :)
The nights I never wanted to wake up
The nights I cried myself to sleep
The nights I wish I was dead
ThOsE are the NiGhTs you’re in my head..</3
This poem is one i my friend wrote but the other was one i found on the net.

The scars that litter every inch of my arms
The bruises that I got from you causing me harm
The broken bones set in plaster
The missing pieces of my soul

The whip you use to hurt me
The sharp words tumbling from your mouth
The knuckles that bleed every time you hit me
The hands that roam further south

The cries that you hear me screaming
The laughter you emit to my ear
The tears that are always streaming
The cruel words that I always hear

The reason you always drink
The pain that I always feel
The thoughts that I always think
The wondering if all this is actually real

The knife that I use to end it
The blood that hits the ground
The thought that I’ll never be hit again
My tortured soul’s very last sound
Chinese couple meek and mild
Badly wanted snow white child.

Could find no way of shifting yellow
Which make him look like Chinese fellow

They watch TV and while the sit
They find a way of doing it.

Soon on the job without delay
Sideways in the Chinese way

Baby born with much delight
The little bugger is snow white

Father proud and full of glee
Tells what he saw on TV

Hoolie Koolie me no foolie
Me put Nappy San on my toolie

You wonder where the yellow went
I brush my balls with Pepsodent
My Taxi Haiku

One night at the cash
Taxi driver very rude
Mate, get a real job !!!
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