Play The Game By FEEL!



Muscle memory is the most important factor! The only thing in your control is the time between when you address the lane and release the ball. Anything else that happens is purely for observation. How one interprets that information, ie. what happens in the heads and backend may change your stratergy, but if you cannot REPEAT your swing, you will have difficulty being the best you can be! Do whatever it takes to remain the same. Body temperature, heart rate, energy level, arousal level, all have the potential to contribute to change in the way you deliver the ball. Control these things, and you will repeat your swing. Adjust for observations made on the lane and pin deck, and hit the pocket more often. Become less reliant on steering the ball to an arrow or board as a target, and focus on repeating your swing. Many expressions become cliche'd in bowling, and who doesn't love to throw the big hook ball, but all you would need to do is watch Cara deliver the ball, and it is quite obvious! Play what the lane demands, and let your muscles repeat what you have trained them to do! These principals I try to focus on, and after 7 years away from the game, averaging over 205 at one of Adelaides more difficult AMF centres bowling once a week, I still believe these lessons taught by Eric Jang and Dick Richter, are PURE. See how you go!
Yeah I would have to agree...certainly if nothing else is working for you it tends to work well. Control is the thing that everyone needs to master and it is easier said than done.

Anyways thats my thought :D :D :D
What else are you trying Timmee for this to be your last resort? just curious? Most tournament players know their own game well enough to play any condition and find a way to the pocket and carry. Search for the area on the lane which allows the most margin for error, and if you've trained on repeating your technique, you will be the best you can be on that particular day! Hopefully your best, is better than everyone elses!
Haha yeah well its a long story. I had a really bad time of it around the President's Shield roll offs up here this year and basically, I didn't really know what to do next I was up the creek. I was also really sick at that time with a few nasty things (not a cold..i was really sick) and I just couldn't do anything right at that time. Now I am coming back again and am looking forward to the SQ Jnr Open Masters this weekend, should be good. Basically I can do all those things you mentioned above again, so I have no problems with that stuff now. It's all good :D :D :D
Good to hear. Hope you do well! It's good to be aware of the moment! when you know you've got hold of something that is going right. capture that image and feeling, remember the finite details, so when the time comes where ever you might be playing, you can call on that, forget all that's stopping you from being your best, and reproduce that feeling. The extra bonus is you change your focus on whats not going right and turning it to something that is constructive and productive! And will get you back to the frame of mind which lets you produce a quality swing, from which you can make adjustments to most productive part of the lane!
Yeah thanks heaps for that hey...means a lot. Yeah I am improving so I guess we shall just see what happens. :D :D :D
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