*.pif Files

Ben A

Not bowling anymore
Staff member
Hi All,

Over the last few days i have been receiving files with the extension of .pif in emails. I have been receiving the emails from several users (more than likely spam users) with several different subject headers. Some of them are:
Re: Your document is attached
Re: Your program is attached

All of the e-mail's are 24kb in size, i havent been able to open these extensions (and i don't want to) due to hotmail blocking a 'potentially dangerous file'. I was just wondering if anybody else has been receiving these emails and if u know what the .pif extension is for.

Ben A
Short for Program InFormation file, a type of file that holds information about how Windows should run a non-Windows application. For example, a PIF file can contain instructions for executing a DOS application in a Windows operating system.

BUT, the file you are receiving IS a virus!! Its called the Netsky virus. DON'T TRY TO OPEN IT. If you receive any emails (even ones from people you know) with a PIF attachment, just delete it to be safe. The virus can trick you into thinking it was sent by someone you know. This virus has a very short body message to it (usually only a few words).

Its the latest mass-mailing virus doing the rounds on the net at the moment and while if it infects your PC it wont "hurt" it, it will be annoying to everyone in your address book by sending itself to them.

This has been a public service announcement from your friendly WA geek!! :lol:
I've been getting them lately as well...

They probably are a virus. Not going to find out first hand if they are or not. Could tell it wasn't right when the subject was "Re: Document" or "Re: (then whatever the subject heading is)" when i had never heard of the name or company before.

Just delete them. I only received two of them and so far had no further ones sent to me
Yeah those viruses really pif me off #-o \:D/
I'm too lazy to open attatchments and they all end up in the Junk Mail box anyway.
Thanks for the warning though :crazyeye:
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