pba tour


Dark Assailant

hey guys i was just wondering if you follow the pba tour in the states who is your fav pba bowler.

mine is robert smith because of the power he can put on the ball but how effortless he makes it look and his atittude towards bowling is fantastic.
Well....i personally dont follow it, infact i know nothing about it at all.

Would like to follow it thought or get hold of some old footage so if anyone knows of any :wink:

Pete Weber
Norm Duke
Danny Wiseman
Parker Bohn III
Wayne Webb (Is he still out on tour?)
i think wyane webb has past away i'm not sure if someone knows post it .
faggy here
i would have to say amletto monacelli, the size of the man and the power that he can put on to a shot is amazing
na scooter_26 we don't get it anymore we used to on austar but now the only way ot watch it is to have international cable or go on the pba website and pay to watch it on the internet. :twisted:
Haven't seen it in years, but when I was watching it it was Earl Anthony, Walter Ray Williams and Norm Duke.
now there was one of the greats earl anthony he is awsome to watch and when he gets it going no one in the galaxy could stop him but sadly he has past away a massive loss to our game and the world of sport he was the epidemy of a proffessional sportsman.
Spot on Adam. 1 story I remember about him, he walks into a centre to compete and watches others bowling for awhile. Grabs a ball out of the pro shop and drills it up there and then and went out and wins the tournament.

I know that's very vague. It was a long time ago when I heard that, but you get the idea. It's a gift to be able to read the sport that way. A great loss to this wonderful sport.

My Top 5 PBA Bowlers would have to be:

(In no particular order)

Brian Voss
Pete Weber
Walter Ray Williams Jr.
Brad Angelo
Parker Bohn III

By the way, if anyone is after PBA videos/DVD's, get in touch with Cheryl Munson at AMF Enfield bowl in NSW, I was there on Monday night getting a ball done and found she is selling them.
OK here is my top five.

1. robert smith
2. parker bohn III
3. earl anthony
4. partick allen
5. pete weber
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