PBA Experience Singles League


OzTenpin Altona

Hi All
OzTenpin Altona is starting a new Singles League on a Tuesday night using actual PBA Lane Conditions.
Attached is the flyer for those who are interested.


  • PBA Experience League.pdf
    135.9 KB · Views: 117
Don't I wish I could make it to that one...

Good on you Grant and good luck with it.

Come on Melbourne. Get out there and play some real bowling!

damm wish we had one in queensland would be awsome.. get behind it everyone good chance to play on what the pros play on
Mentone is also running PBA lane patterns on a Monday night in the Sports league. The have been for a while

Epping is running them in our Friday night singles at 7pm using our Authority-22 to make the experience even closer to the real thing!
Sounds great but...........
Altona - Right day and right time - Wrong location
Epping - Wrong day and wrong time - Right Location
Can't win 'em all.
It's good to see that Sport (or PBA Experience) Leagues are starting up in different parts of Melbourne. It appears that there are 3 leagues on 3 different days in 3 different locations for people to challenge themselves.

Mentone (orginal Sport bowling and PBA experience league) Mondays 7pm
Altona (PBA experience league) Tuesday 7pm
Epping (PBA experience league?) Friday 7pm

If I had the time, I'd probably bowl all three of these leagues. I would encourage anyone to bowl any of these leagues.

Just a reminder to those that are considering a sport bowling or PBA experience league. If the league does not use a Kegel oiling machine (or any variation), it probably won't be a genuine PBA or Sport bowling oil pattern.

Just a note... Keep challenging yourself and you WILL perform better and also find that difficult lanes are not really that difficult, just perceived that way.

Dr. Chris
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