It's good to see that Sport (or PBA Experience) Leagues are starting up in different parts of Melbourne. It appears that there are 3 leagues on 3 different days in 3 different locations for people to challenge themselves.
Mentone (orginal Sport bowling and PBA experience league) Mondays 7pm
Altona (PBA experience league) Tuesday 7pm
Epping (PBA experience league?) Friday 7pm
If I had the time, I'd probably bowl all three of these leagues. I would encourage anyone to bowl any of these leagues.
Just a reminder to those that are considering a sport bowling or PBA experience league. If the league does not use a Kegel oiling machine (or any variation), it probably won't be a genuine PBA or Sport bowling oil pattern.
Just a note... Keep challenging yourself and you WILL perform better and also find that difficult lanes are not really that difficult, just perceived that way.
Dr. Chris