Patch from the Past

Sean M

New Member
Was sorting through our garage at home(the Bermuda Triangle) and came across this patch that I am guessing is at least 23yrs old cause it was my Dad's when he built the bowl. Wonder if there are anymore out there anywhere? Thought the locals up North might be interested.
I have one of them and many more similar. It would be at least 20 years old, most juniors like Funky Chicken and myself got one for bowling a junior league there. As for value, you might get $2.00US on ebay for it :D

Back in the good old days they gave these "special" patches out to persons who were good enough to throw "handbag shots" on a regular basis.

I can still remember bowling with my brand new AMF Black Angle. The ball would go over 10 board out to 9 board and then come screaming back to the hole for a........8 - 10. To which the standard response was something like "Ya gotta be kidding that shot was flush" (Except that it only had one revolution on it).

Ah, those were the days when bowlers who put nothing on the ball had more chance of winning lotto than blowing a five pin/ripping a rack (I know coz I was one of them). I can still remember this skinny little Greek kid bowling with a Brunswick Edge II trying his guts out to blow the 5 pin only to leave repeated cold 5 - 10's.

That same kid has since joined a secretive religious sect and has devoted his time to spreading the word throughout the world. He has changed his name to Osama Bin Frilingos and he is the leader of El Track Aeda. Rumour has it that ASIO and the FBI have commissioned a top secret "Black Ops" Teletubby to take him out at the upcoming Burdekin Open. This mission must succeed at all costs, the future of bowling depends on it.

thanks for reminding me about those flush 5-10's with that "hit and look like a tomato" Brunswick Edge. At the time I honestly thought that if it hit flush you blew the 5 pin. I really had no idea and sometimes I wonder how much things have changed ??? :lol:

As for the "Black Ops" Teletubby, the only hope is for the teletubby to use Bin Frilingos's own TRACK weapons against himself, but even then the REV GODS are not the teletubbys side :D The teletubby better start praying to the rev gods now because even if you obtain 1 rev per month extra between now and the event it will only take you to 7 revs (1+6) which won't be enough. Maybe we should change the Burdekin Open to the Track Shoot out, in more ways than one.
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